v. noah mf schnapp

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[ v. noah mf schnapp ]

/ IRL /

CHARLEY PATIENTLY WAITED for the boy to show up, but he wasn't coming through that door. She waited and waited, but he didn't show up. The blonde's mind drew a blank and impatiently bit her lip. "He probably ditched me," she joked to herself, but it didn't make her laugh. She realized it was forty-five minutes till closing time, so she gave up. Just as Charley was about to call her father to have him come pick her up early, the bell on the door rang.

"Sorry I'm late!" The boy yelled, completely out of breath. She whipped her head around and instantaneously smiled once she noticed he was holding flowers.

"I was just about to call my Dad and tell him to come pick me up," she explained with a light chuckle. "I was seriously convinced you weren't gonna show."

"I'm sorry, I've been busy all today, but I managed to get these." Noah walked towards her and handed her the flowers. "Thought you would like them," he smiled brightly. Charley and Noah's faces turned a bright red instantly.

"Thanks," she quickly murmured. Charley walked over and laid the flowers on the counter. "Do you want anything, I'm getting me ice-cream?"

"Can I have tea?" He asked politely as he sat in a random booth.

"Whatever floats your boat," she snorted to herself as she made herself a bowl of vanilla ice-cream and poured the tea into a mason jar. She walked over and sat in front of him. Charley slid the jar to him towards him. "You didn't have to give me those flowers, ya know."

Noah started to mix his drink with his straw and then stared up at the girl. "I didn't have to, but I wanted to." They we're silent, not knowing what to say. However, they both enjoyed the silence, enjoying each other's company. "You know, I leave in a couple days to go to Georgia, I'm gonna be gone for a while," he explained sadly, his smile turning into a frown. "Even though we haven't known each other for a while, I'm gonna miss you."

Charley nodded, but then an idea popped into her head. "If I gave you my number, you wouldn't have to miss me." She smirked once she finished her bite of ice-cream.

"Was that a pickup line?" Noah asked with a grin as he got on his contacts, ready for Charley to type in her number. He handed the phone to her and she smiled.

"Maybe it was." The blonde shrugged as she typed in her number and labeled her name as:

milkshake spiller🤠🤪

But Noah quickly changed it without her knowing:

milkshake spiller💞

"Why are you going to Georgia?" Charley asked curiously as she took a bite of her ice-cream.

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