Part 1: Heartbroken

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Dear Gray-sama,

I just came home from school and what i saw was you with her. I hope that you understand that i've confessed my love for you many times but i feel like you never pay attention. I felt jealous of you two but when i saw you two kiss.....I felt heartbroken. So, i'm crying in my room now and Tsuki's over for a sleepover tonight but she's sleeping in the living room. She has tried to help me but i still can't help feeling upset. 




I wipe the tears falling from my face and fold the paper on my desk. I put it in my envelope and i heard a knock on the door. I quickly looked at the door a bit startled. I sighed and went over to the door. I opened it to see Tsuki.

"You okay, Juvia?" I nodded a bit. 

"Yeah. I'll be fine. I thought you were asleep though." Tsuki shook her head. 

"No. I couldn't sleep. But you sure you're okay? I know how much you like Gray." She said and i sighed. 

"It's no use. He never pays attention to me anyways." Tsuki frowned.

"Believe it or not, he does pay attention to you, he just doesn't pay attention to how you feel. I'll tell you what," She said smiling at me. I payed attention to her. "We can talk to Mira Thursday and hopefully she can help out, okay?" I smiled with tears falling again as i hugged her. 

"Thank you, Tsuki." 

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