Part 9: Recovery

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Dear Mom,

Hey Mom. Sorry it's been a little while since I last wrote a letter to you. I guess I just never exactly found the time to write one yet. Was this really a good thing to do to Gray? I mean, I always got bad vibes from Ashley, so I never liked her. But...I keep getting this bad feeling worsening through time and I'm worried that Ashley would have something to do with it. Maybe I'm just making it up again, would be nice to hear from you again.


I got out of the car and headed to the current class of the day, which apparently was lunch. As I walked to the cafeteria, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for a birding stampede of trample tackling me to the ground.

I opened the door to the cafeteria and saw the usual group at the usual table. I smiled a bit and made my way over to them. When I got close enough, I started to overhear their conversation.

"It's been a little while since Tsuki's been here... I wonder if she's doing better." Lucy said as I snuck behind Gray, to stay out of sight of the others.

"She'll be discharged tomorrow, from what I heard." Gray said and I smiled, making bunny ears behind Gray's head and I started twitching them. I kept my smile on my face as I made the ears twitch in hilarious motions. "What are you guys staring at?" Gray asked and I popped my head over Gray's shoulder with a smile.

"So what are you guys talking about?" I asked, startling Gray beyond proportions.

"Tsuki!" Everyone called, before I found myself tackled by every person at the table. Even Erza. Lucky thing was that everyone managed to avoid my neck. I felt crushed though and I felt my spirit leave my body in two seconds.

"Ouch...too...heavy..." Everyone got off of me and repeatedly apologized over and over, making me a bit nervous.

"It's fine, guys..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I still wore ace wrap around my neck, but that was it. For a while, I couldn't stop fidgetting with the ace wrap so doctors made me wear a neck cast for a few days early in at the hospital. "All that matters is that you guys avoided my neck, which you somehow managed..."

"We're just glad your back, Tsu!" Juvia said hugging me and she had a puddle of water under us all of a sudden with rapid waterfall tears going downturns sides of her head and I became shocked.

"Don't call me that! And you can stop crying now, Juvia!" I exclaimed and Gray seemed to be a bit on the blank side.

"Welcome to my world...I had to deal with that the whole time you were gone..." Gray said and I smiled nervously.

"I was only gone for a few weeks..." I said and Natsu grinned.

"Well, it seemed like forever to us!" Natsu exclaimed and Lucy nervously smiled.

"You have no idea how many times the ridiculous idea came across Natsu's mind to just fight Ashley, even though none of us know where she's at." Lucy said and I smiled a bit.

"It had to be expected." Juvia seemed to still continue crying in my shoulder sand I sweatdropped. "But Juvia, if you're going to cry, at least do it over Gray's shoulder. I just got these clothes and I just got out of the hospital..." I said and she did so, seemingly, since she understood the situation I was in.

"How come you were gone for so long though?" Bickslow asked.

"Well, I guess you guys could say that I was still in recovery. She kinda really busted up my voice." I said and Gray gave me a suspicious look.

"I thought you were getting discharged tomorrow." Gray said and I smiled at him.

"Actually, I was getting discharged today, but I had the nurses tell you that."

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