Part 4: Meeting Gray's Girlfriend

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(Gray's current girlfriend, Ashley above.)

*Tsuki's POV/ At the School*

We made it to school and I saw Ashley. She wasn't a very great friend to me but as I said, I only tolerate her cause of Gray. She was a bit of a...temperamental girl when it comes to getting what she wanted. One reason to hate her and she's greedy. I sometimes call her Greed when she's not around.

"Hey, Tsuki." Ashley said and Gray smiled at her.

"Hey Ashley." I said with a straight face. Ashley gave me a fake smile.

"It's nice to see you two. Especially you, Gray-sama." She said, giving him a quick peck on the lips and she hooked her arms around Gray's arm. I mentally started yelling at her.

'That little bitch! My brother should get with someone like Juvia! Not a greedy ass bitch who only wants my brother cause he's simply cute! I'll fight her if that's how I'm gonna get it through her thick stubborn hard-headed skull! Uh, sorry Warren if your listening in on my thoughts.' I thought.

'Yeah, no problem there.' Warren spoke with his telepathy.

'Why are you in my head anyways? And how far did you hear in my cursing at Ashley?' I asked in my mind.

'Eh, the whole thing. And I could kinda agree if you're referring to Gray.' He said and I sweat-dropped.

'How many brother's do you think I have? Gray's my only brother.' I told Warren.

'Oh, right. I thought that Lyon was your brother too. Sorry.' Warren said nervously and I growled slightly.

'Remind me to freeze you later. So, is everything set up?' I asked.

'Yeah. At least according to Mira. I can't believe we even brought Bixlow into this too.' He said and I mentally growled.

'If you have something against him, I'd suggest you say something and I'll have you frozen in the janitor's room for a week.' I thought with a small growl in my thoughts.

'Uh, n-never mind. But everything's ready.' He told me and I smiled a bit.

'Great! Let's get going then!' I thought and disconnected the telepathy. I looked at Gray and smiled.

"Gray? Can we talk alone for a bit?" Ashley smirked.

"Well, whatever he would hear, I'll hear it too. I'm not leaving his side for a very long time." I smiled kindly.

"Sorry, but it's brother and sister business. Not brother, sister and brother's girlfriend business." I said pulling Gray away from her and I dragged him towards the school. I saw Mira and Juvia at the fountain. I grinned at them.

"Mira! Juvia!" I called waving. Gray looked at me confused.

"Tsuki? What are you up to?" Gray asked and I smiled innocently at him.

"Oh, a few things if the things before that don't work out." I said.

"What are those things?"

"You'll find out soon!" I said smiling. I was always secretive of what I was going to do until the last second and the last second usually ended being the first kiss. I'm such a devil though Mira's actually more of a devil than I am. Literally. Gray didn't seem to know where this was heading and all I did was smile.

"Hey Tsuki!" Mira said and she ran up to me and I let go of Gray and we joined hands with both of us smiling. "How's it going?"

"Pretty great. I got the bag you asked for!" I said smiling. She gasped and hugged me.

"Yay! Now Gray, how about you stay with Juvia for a bit? Me and Mira have to do something real quick. It shouldn't take long." I said still smiling as I pushed Gray towards Juvia. He seemed to still not know what was happening.

"Tsuki, whenever you're alone with Mira, that would mean your plotting against someone." Gray said and I giggled a bit.

"Don't worry. I'll be with Lucy, Erza and Lisanna. Me and Mira only plot when we're alone." I said reassuringly and I made Gray sit down next to Juvia who blushed a light pink.

"Fine. But don't take too long." Gray said and I smiled more.

"Okay, just stay here and talk with Juvia for a bit. I'm sure she'd appreciate the company." I said, still smiling. Juvia nodded and I walked away dragging Mira. "Off to the school store, Mira." I said and we both started to skip along the courtyard.

"Now, what should we do next?" Mira asked and I hummed in thought.

"Well, maybe the next step of the plan. Request Gray and Juvia to have the same schedules. They only have the same third and fifth period together." I said and Mira nodded.

"That could work. Oh! Actually, that doesn't have to happen." Mira said and I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought ahead of time. I even made it to where you had two of their classes."

"You changed my schedule?!" I whined and she giggled.

"No. I made their schedule's have the same fifth and second as your current schedule." She explained and I blinked a couple times.

"Oh. That's more understandable. So, why did you do it ahead of time?"

"I had Lisanna take care of it yesterday after school."

"That would bring less suspicion, I suppose." I said and I saw Natsu and Happy coming over.

"Hey, Tsuki! How's it going?!" Natsu called and I went over to him, smiling.

"It's going as planned. Though, I wonder where I get my slyness from. Definitely not Dad. I wonder if I got it from my mom." I said, thinking.

"Could be possible." Mira said and Natsu laughed.

"Who cares? This gonna go out great! Wait till the Ice Princess finds out what we're up to." Natsu said as he burst out laughing. Me and Mira giggled.

"Well, we have to meet up with Lucy and Erza for the rest of the plan. See ya later, Natsu!" I said smiling and he grinned.

"All right! See ya later, Tsuki!" He said and me and Mira went to the school store.

When we got there, we found Lucy, Erza, and Lisanna in the store. "Let's see, well we could do chocolates for Gray to give to Juvia." Lisanna suggested and me and Mira smiled more.

"Sounds great!" We both said, nearly scaring all three of them.

"Can you guys quit trying to scare us by doing a twin thing?! Come on!" Lucy yelled and then we all started to laugh.

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