Part 8: Silver Finds Out

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After Ashley was told to leave by Mira, Gray had broke it off with her because she really had found no care in me being hurt when everyone else did. I was taken to Mira's room and Juvia had given me an ice pack to put on my throat.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah..." I croaked out as normally as I could, but my voice was cracked. It hurt a lot whenever I spoke. I had tried to talk with Mira, but my voice cut off in the middle of the first word.

"You okay with going home tonight? Dad needs to know what happened." I quickly shook my head, stubbornly.

"Tsuki! Gray!" I heard the door open and we both looked at Natsu. "Your guys' dad is here!" Both of us became shocked all of a sudden, wondering why he would be here.

"What?!" Gray yelled and then I quickly took the nearest scarf and put it around my neck and I threw on a coat. I wanted to make it seem like I was just cold, if anything while hiding my bruise on my neck. Gray caught onto what I was doing. "I guess you could bring him up then." Gray said and next thing we knew, Dad was already behind Natsu at the door.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?!" Dad asked, worriedly and I blinked in surprise while Natsu was practically acting like he was trampled on the floor, without actually being trampled. I sweatdropped and gave a wry smile.

"She's fine." I nodded and Dad came over sitting on the bed, sitting in front of me. "She just started losing her voice a bit."

"I-I'll be fine." I barely managed to say and not show I was hurting from my throat pain.

"What exactly happened?"

"Let's just say that her and Ashley got into a verbal fight." I nodded. It was easy for that to be true since we were always at each other's throats.

"Then why did Lisanna call me saying that Ashley attacked her?" Gray and I both paled with shock.

'She...told him the truth?!' I thought and I suddenly found that my father had pushed the scarf down along with the jacket to show my neck. He seemed frozen in place for a moment with a blank look.

"Where does Ashley live, Gray?"

Gray froze up. "Uhm...well uh...she would still be on her way home by now, so she headed left?" Gray said and Dad nodded.

"Alright. You two, come with me." Dad said and he started leaving. Gray and I looked at each other before Natsu was standing again.

"What's with him?" Natsu asked and I shrugged, cluelessly. To not try to provoke Dad, considering I'm pretty sure he already likely is, we followed where he went and into the car.

As Dad was driving, I just zoned out the window while Gray and Dad talked about where Ashley was living. Gray was in passenger seat and I sat in the back seat. I kept my face somewhat directed away from them while biting the inside of my lip.

I guess Ashley was right before... I'm kinda relieved that some of the people that were in on the shipping weren't there, somewhat.

"Tsuki," I looked at my Dad through the rearview mirror. "We're going to stop at a hospital to get your throat taken care of. Try not to talk until we get it treated." I simply nodded and looked out the window.

*Third Person POV/Time Skip*

It's been three weeks and Tsuki had been out of school, making those who weren't at Mira's place become worried about how badly Ashley hurt Tsuki.

"Shouldn't we at least visit her?" Evergreen asked out of worry.

"Gray and Tsuki's father will take care of her for now." Erza said and they all looked at her. "We just need to have faith she'll make a full recovery soon. If the rest of us visit her now, it might worsen her condition, since she'll likely want to talk."

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