Part 5: Break-up Plan

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*Tsuki's POV*

I smiled as I was sitting in class with my science teacher being Happy. I was too focused on trying to plot on how the rest of this would go. Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Mira, and Erza were in the same class right now. I had the list of people on my note book that were helping me out on this. At least their signatures

List of Gruvia Shippers:

-Mira! ^^

Approval by: Tsuki Fullbuster

I smirked at my list. 10 people in on the game. Last step would be to have a sleepover at Mira's and play Seven Minutes in Heaven. So far, we've had to get the shirts, then get the two to socialize with each other for a little while, now we have to get the Gray to break up with Ashley, get Gray and Juvia to try to go out for dinner and then we get the two of them together.

Although, I'm also plotting against most of the others. Same way I'm plotting against Gray and Juvia. I'm not gonna spoil it for anyone though. I have a chest in my room with names of people I ship. I've got a sheet with Frozen Ocean on it as well. I don't know why, but I've always shipped people by their magic. It makes sense to me.

I closed my notebook and smiled. I heard class was getting dismissed so I quickly gathered my things and Gray came over.

"Tsuki, why did you ditch me and Juvia this morning?" He asked and I blinked a couple times.

"Huh?" I responded, confused.

"You and Mira ditched me and Juvia." He explained and I chuckled a bit nervously.

"Oh, right. I got distracted at the school shop with the other girls, I kinda forgot." I lied. Gray seemed to buy it though and sighed. 

"I swear. At this rate, Ashley's gonna kill you." He said and I scoffed. 

"You know I don't care about her, right?" I said, raising a brow. He sighed. 

"Yeah, but why won't you at least give her time to talk to you for at least a day?" He asked and I sighed. 

"Gray, we can hardly look at each other without glaring. She acts like a frickin' Yandere only without the whole killing part." I said and he sighed. 

"If you say so." He said and we both headed to our next class. 

*Time Skip* 

At lunch, I managed to gather with the gang except Bixlow and Warren so it was just me, Natsu and the girls.

"So, what's the rest of the plan?" Lucy asked and I hummed putting a finger on my chin.

"Well, we get to figure out how to break up Gray and Ashley." I said, sighing. Erza did too.

"That's gonna be difficult." Cana said, sighing as well.

"Well, we are talking about breaking Gray away from a practically Yandere girl. I can't exactly imagine how that would go." Levy commented and I blinked a couple times.

"Unless, I could try to look at some ways to break them up. It'll take some research though." I said, crossing my arms.

"Can't you just make her have to fight you? That'd be the easiest way to do it." Natsu said and us girls deadpanned.

"Yeah, not gonna happen." Me, Lucy, Mira, Evergreen, Levy, and Lisanna said at the same time. I didn't what was with Natsu and fighting. For him, it was a solution to everything practically.  

"Why not?"  He asked and Erza spoke up.

"Because Tsuki practices Ice Make and Ashley practices Water Dragon Slayer magic." Erza sighed. "Besides, if she were to fight against her, she'd lose within the first five minutes or so." I nodded in agreement.

"Erza has a point, Natsu. She's got more power in her magic then I do." Natsu sighed.

"Guess you got a point." He muttered. 

"I might have to look at some things when I get home then." I said, sighing and putting my head down.

"Not necessarily." Cana said and I looked at her.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, raising a brow. She smiled a bit.

"Maybe you should try something to get her detention." Cana said and I was a bit confused.

"How am I going to do that though? She's never really gotten detention before far as I know." 

"You're the trickster of this group. I'm sure you can figure it out." Mira said and I sighed. 

"I'll see what I can do then..."

*Time Skip*

After school, I was sitting in the back seat with Gray in the passenger seat and Dad driving. "So, how was school for you two today?" 

"Tsuki ditched me with Juvia this morning in the courtyard." Gray said and I sighed.

"I simply left with Mira to the school shop and ended up forgetting that you and Juvia were at the courtyard. By the way, Cana and Mira are going to have a sleepover at Lucy's house, mind if I go with them?" I asked and Dad nodded.

"I don't see why not as long as Lucy knows." I nodded.

"Yeah. It's going to be a girl's night out." I said and Dad stopped in front of Lucy's house which was pretty much just five houses down from ours. I got out of the car and thanked Dad before  he went home with Gray. I went up to the door and knocked on it.  The door opened to Lucy and she smiled.

"Hey Tsuki. Glad you could make it. The other girls will be here soon. So far, it's just me, Lisanna and Mira right now." She said and I noticed she was wearing one of the Gruvia shirts I made. I smiled.

"Okay. That's fine." I said and she let me inside. I was suddenly tackled by Mira when I got to the living room and we both landed on the ground.

"Mira, you're crushing me." she giggled a bit and got off of me and I sat up. She helped me up and Lisanna laughed a bit.

"Gotta be easy on her, Big Sis Mira." Lisanna said and I smiled.

"It's fine, Lizzy. So, I guess we wait till the other girls get here before we talk."

*Time Skip*

After all the girls got here, we started to think of what to do. Mira came up with an idea that might work but I wasn't too sure of it. But, it was worth the shot.

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