Part 2: Tsuki Makes A Plan

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Dear Mira,

Me and Juvia decided we needed to talk to you Thursday. It's about Gray. We made a plan to make sure Juvia and Gray get to spend tommorrow together the whole day. Hopefully, we could get your help for that. It would be much appreciated since Juvia was almost crying all night. If you agree, hopefully we can meet at the fountain outside the school at the courtyard. See ya then!


Tsuki Fullbuster


I smiled in content and sighed. Mira was always a big help when it comes to couples. But she also ships people way too much. She's shipped me with Bickslow and Rogue before but i kinda didn't like that so i always blushed and found the closest place to hide. Unlike, Gray though, i was pretty shy sometimes depending on the situation.

I went to Mira's dorm room real quick and slipped the envelope under the door and went back to Juvia's room. Juvia was a bit anxious earlier but after i reassured her that she could talk to Gray Friday, which was the day after tommorrow, she seemed to calm down a bit considering I was going to give her some time. I sat on the couch and layed down.

I felt like i was another version of Mira but it would be nice to have a sister. I mean, i can see the school girls as sisters, but it would just be nice to have Juvia as a sister-in-law. Her and Gray look cuter with each othr than Gray's current girlfriend. I actually feel closer to beating her up each time they kissed or cuddled with each other but her being his girlfriend, i held myself back each time. Thing was though, i realized that they only kissed whenever Juvia was around. Not when they were alone like most couples would.

I was going to change that though. I will make sure Gray breaks up with his girlfriend and let Juvia date him. That sounds good but i also don't want to rush the whole thing. I'll need to take my time.

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