Part 7: Arguments

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*Tsuki's POV*

Dear Mom,

I hope everything is okay up there. I feel like I'm finally able to talk with you after so long. I have a strange this really okay for me to do with Gray...? I feel like something is off about what might happen and I started being unable to sleep at night. Is this really a right thing to do?

I have a feeling it's not, but I feel like I can't tell anyone else, because it's complicated. Especially Gray, Mira, and Juvia. Could I ask you a favor, if you can in any spare time you might have...

Could you help me figure things out from here? I want everything to go right, but whatever I think of for any alternatives, I can't seem to find one that'll work. I hope there's one last way I haven't thought about yet, that you could help with tonight.




It was about midnight now and me and Gray made it to Mira's place. I knocked on the door and saw Mira open it with a smile.

"Hey guys. Just in time. Five minutes before game time by the way." Mira said and I nodded.

"Okay, thanks Mira." I said, smiling and she nodded.

"No problem." She said and we both walked in to see everyone was here along with Ashley. Hopefully this whole thing didn't go down the drain because of Ashley not wanting to be here with me.

"What game is it exactly anyways?" Gray asked and I chuckled a bit.

"You'll have to figure it out yourself, Gray."

"Why do you keep saying that, Tsuki?" He asked and I smiled a bit.

"Again, you'll have to find out for yourself." I said and I noticed Ashley glaring at me but Gray didn't seem to notice. I glared back slightly in response. It was only for a second though. I looked over at Gray and smiled slightly. "I'm gonna help Mira and Juvia with the snacks. Go ahead and get comfortable, okay?" I said as I went to the kitchen with Mira and Juvia.

"Oh, Tsuki. What's going on?" Mira asked and I sighed.

"Nothing much. It's just...I'm not sure if this is gonna work or not. I mean, Ashley's kind of on the stubborn side and I'm not sure of what'll happen tonight."

"We'll just have to hope for the best, Tsuki. That's all we have to do." I smiled slightly.

"I hope so." I said and she took a tray of cupcakes out of the oven.

"The ice cream's in the freezer if you want to get it." Mira said before I heard arguing in the other room that sounded like Gray and Natsu. I giggled.

"Yeah. I'll get it." I said, heading to the freezer.

*Time Skip*

It was time for the game and Mira happened to be the host for this one. She held one of Elfman's old baseball hats he used to wear back in middle school and stood in front of everyone. "All right everyone. It's time for the game! It'll be Seven minutes in Heaven tonight and the boys will be placing small papers with their names on them into this hat."

I heard her announce as I was waiting in the back of the room. I set the ice cream and whatever else I held onto the table closest to me and I headed outside. I wasn't one to play games like those and I heard someone come out as the door closed behind them. I looked back to see Lucy and Lisanna.

"Are you doing all right, Tsuki?" I sighed, sitting on the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm all right. Just thought I'd come out here for a while."

"You sure?" Lisanna asked and Lucy spoke after her.

"It was a great plan to do this for Gray though. I think you're doing the best you can from this." Lucy started trying to comfort me. It worked, in a way.

"I just...kinda feel like we're rushing it though and I get kinda hesitant from something like that." I said and Lisanna smiled.

"Aren't you actually doing this to help Gray figure out his true feelings? We've all seen how he really feels about Juvia. Especially you, Tsuki."

"Juvia just makes it more obvious." Lucy said and I smiled a bit.

"I...guess that's true." I said and I stood up. "Let's go ahead and get some snacks for now. I'm kinda hungry."

"Tsuki!" I heard an angry voice yell and I looked behind me for two seconds before I ended up getting punched by someone and instead of hitting my face, the fist hit my neck and I fell back off of the stairs and onto the lawn. My throat hurt now and I felt like I was just deprived of all of my air.

"Ashley!" Lucy and Lisanna both yelled and I started to cough, while trying to get air back into my system.

"This was all your silly little plan, wasn't it?!" Ashley yelled and I started to sit up.

"Tsuki!" I saw Gray and Juvia come out and they both ran over to me to make sure I was okay.

"Are you alright?" I nodded weakly and Gray looked over at Ashley before glaring. "What the hell were you thinking before attacking my sister?!" Gray yelled at her and I frowned.

"She's the one who's been starting this whole thing in the first place!" Ashley yelled, pointing at me, accusingly. Lisanna rushed over to me next and Lucy did as well.

"You didn't have to hit her though!" I moved my hand to my throat and started lightly rubbing it, only for it to hurt more. It got a point that two seconds later, I immediately removed my hand from my throat from how much pain it gave me to touch it.

"She'll be fine, she's only pretending." I looked at her, while anger rose inside of me slowly, but I tried to keep myself calm.

'How can she think I'm only pretending after that kind of hit?!'

"She wouldn't lie about this kind of pain, Ashley! She's not pretending!" Gray yelled, getting angered from Ashley's statement.

"She lies about everything else!" I saw Mira behind Ashley with a dark aura illuminating around her. This time though, she was in her Satan Soul form, so it started to scare me a bit.

"If you're going to talk that way to one of my friends," Mira started, making Ashley look at her. "Then get off of my property." Mira said and Ashley suddenly seemed to get a scared expression. I was a bit shocked that Mira went into that form over something as small as this.

Hey guys! Sorry this took so long to update! I was kinda on a writers block for a good while, so I had to think of how this would pan out. This turned out to be how it would go and I decided to go along with this. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, nonetheless!

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Luna Out!

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