Part 10: A Friend's Present from A Friend

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Hey, Tsuki,

I guess if you're reading this, then I'm glad I could get this to you. Everyone really missed you while you werre in the hospital and we're glad you're finallg out. But there was something that I forgot to tell you and I'm pretty sure Gray hasn't told you yet.

But the plan actually worked! I'm sure you know what this means! Anyways, we all decided to get together and make this for you. Me and Lisanna made the frame, too with Erza and Elfman's help.

We all hope you enjoy the gift we made! We love you!

With care,

I move the paper off of the item I was holding and it was a picture of everyone on the bleachers outside the school. The picture frame was thin paper foam with stickers of candy and ice cream with cakes. They even added milkshake stickers!

I couldn't help but go between laughing and crying. Laughing because they went kinda classic with the stickers and crying because they went through so much effort because they made this for me for when I got out of the hospital.

Gray seemed to chuckle in amusement because he always found it kinda funny when I went in between on my own without hurting myself.

I suddenly went over to him and hugged him. He got surprised. "What the-?!"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dad chuckled.

"Guess Mira told you in that letter as well?" Dad asked and I let go of Gray and nodded.

"Yeah." Gray sighed tiredly.

"I figured that shipper would have told you through something." Gray said and I giggled.


"Alright, you two, come on. Dinner time. Let's order out." Dad said, turning before leaving the room and heading out as Gray and I followed.

"I swear, any further attempt to what you were doing, and I'll punch you myself." I chuckled.

"You sure you want to do that, Gray?"

"Gray, we don't need your sister back in the hospital." Dad said and Gray crossed his arms.

"I was joking, Dad!" Gray yelled and Dad had an amused smile.

"Hey Dad?" Dad looked at me as we left the house. "Think we can take Juvia with us and then abandon Gray and Juvia at the restaurant for a good hour?" I teased, knowing full well that Gray could hear me.

"Tsuki!" Gray yelled and I kept a grin on my face.

*Time Skip*

The next day, I was on my way to lunch with Lucy, Levy, and Mira. "I found the present you guys made me."

All three girls smiled. "It was fun making it."

"Yeah." Lucy said and I giggled a bit with a sweatdrop.

"Although I do enjoy sweets, why was there a bunch of candy and other sweets on it...?" Mira giggled.

"Lisanna and I gathered everyone together for the photo and I also bought the foam for it and then Erza decorated it with the stickers I bought. Elfman and Lisanna went out to print the picture."

I sighed, before smiling in amusement. "I guess that's my explaination then..." l said before I felt a sudden hug fron behind me.

"I'm so glad you're back today!"

"Gah! Juvia, at least make sure I know you're behind me before suddenly hugging me!" I exclaimed, from bekng startled. "And what are you talking about? I was back yesterday!" I asked and Juvia had a grin.

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