Chapter 2

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                We woke up and started packing everything up right away. After that we ate, and I was eating with Stiles—who was one of the most competent guys here—when Pierson came to me. I raised my hand in a salute while I finished chewing.

"I'm honored and all, but that's really not necessary." I lowered my hand and looked at him. "You a good driver?"

"Yes, sir, one of the best in my squad."

"Great. You're driving that jeep you fixed up. We leave in an hour."

He walked away and I looked at Stiles. "They got you on a tight leash in the WAC, don't they?"

I nodded. "There's a reason we're far more efficient than you men." He smiled and I laughed, though it was true. We are far more efficient and do so much important work. "Why is he having me drive? Can't one of you? There's still so much that you need fixed."

"A bunch of them still think you're a spy. They don't wanna leave you here alone." I rolled my eyes. "Don't take it too harsh. They're just scared."

"Whatever, I don't mind driving."

The main group of guys I hung around—Stiles, Aiello, and Daniels—were talking about something sports-related. I didn't pay attention. I liked what the American equivalent is soccer. That's about it. I liked sports like gymnastics too, but I wasn't able to do it long past the age of ten.

"If we're talkin' 1938 Lewis, Robinson wins hands down," someone said behind me. I turned and saw a young man walking towards us. The other guys seemed to know him. I felt very left out in the moment and bit at one of my fingernails. My mother would have scolded me if she saw anything about my situation right now. But then again, I'm sure it is far better than living in a ghetto or labor camp.

"I thought you were out another week?" Daniels asked. I stayed back.

"Not after I heard a bunch of tough SOBs were about to take Maringy." He seemed awful excited about going into combat. I made a mental note to ask Stiles what a "S-O-B" was.

Aiello mentioned being home by Christmas. I haven't had the heart to tell them that wouldn't be likely. I was in my own thoughts when suddenly the new guy pulled up his clothes and showed a still-healing wound that was starting to scar. I also made a note to ask Stiles about that. Someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned and a gun was handed to me. "Just in case," Turner assured. "I'd rather have you protected than defenseless. You've been through basics right?" I nodded. "Good." He turned to the others and looked at the new man. "Glad to have you back, Private."

Turner then went into his speech about how we have a unique opportunity. He looked at the newest guy and called him "Zussman."

Zussman. He looked young, bright, and hopeful. "Let's move," Turner finally said and I picked up everything I had.

"Sir," I stopped him, "everything gt packed up, right? If we get through we'll still have your equipment that needs fixing?"

"Yes, it's all been packed. We just need to get through first."

"Thank you," I nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. I imagined that this place would be a living hell, but it hasn't been bad at all. Sure, there have been advances made towards me quite often, but I have my group of guys that I've bonded with. One thing I can say about Aiello is that he's passionate. He hated me, but once we actually talked and he learned about me, he's done his best to protect me from the gross men here.

"Fertig!" Daniels called and waved me over to him, "you got one more person to meet."

"Private Robert Zussman," the young man held out a hand. I shook it and smiled. "I've been told you're one hell of a mechanic." I shrugged it off quietly. "So, uh, do you speak?"

I looked at the guys around me and got a nod from Daniels that it'd be okay.

"Private Marta Fertig from the Women's Army Corps. It's a pleasure to meet you."

He looked shocked and cleared his throat. "Uh, Daniels?" He nodded his head to the side. I rolled my eyes and turned to Stiles.

"So what did he mean by S-O-B?" I asked

"It stands for 'son of a bitch.'"

I nodded. "And what was that wound he showed you?"

"He got stabbed on the beach when we invaded Normandy," Aiello responded. He hasn't let it heal enough, that's for sure." I nodded in understanding.

The two men walked back over and smiled.

"I hope the men here have been good to you," Zussman said to me while we responded to Tucker's orders.

I ended up in a jeep with two men who I couldn't put names to. It didn't really matter, they just need transportation. Across from me was a tank where Daniels and a few others climbed onto.

"Hey," Pierson called. Everyone in the area turned and looked. He grabbed Zussmans arm. "You know a wound like this takes eight weeks to heal." He said it as a statement, not as a question. I've known Zussman for a short amount of time, but I already know that He's not a person who directly follows orders.

"I'm ready, Sergeant. You've got my word."

It looked like Pierson almost laughed—which I would pay money to see. "Oh, your word? That don't mean shit to me."

Pierson, without giving a second thought, hit him in the side. Not too hard, but hard enough where Zussman flinched and tried to conceal his pain the best he could. He did this a couple more times.

"So you're good, huh?"

"Just fine and dandy, sir."

Pierson started backing up. "You've got guts, private. I just don't want to see 'em."

Zussman exhaled ad looked like he was in a bit of pain. "Tanks rollin'!" someone called.

"Zussman," I called as he was about to climb on, "get in." It had to have been hell to be hit there, and it'd be bad to hang off of a tank for who-knows-how-long. I looked in the back of the jeep and said, "you, go get on the tank in his place." The guy got out and Zussman climbed in.

"Thank you."

"Not a problem," I smiled. I started to drive, settled between two tanks for protection.

"Get out!" I yelled and quickly turned the jeep off.

Shit. I've never been in combat, and now I'm thrown into war zone with people who all have experience. This is great.

I have first aid on me. I can help when people get hurt. I trailed one of the two groups that split. I heard Zussman yell that they're surrendering eventually. I aimed my gun at them and gave the few we caught directions in German until someone else came for them. I fund Turner and stayed near him. When tanks came, I just followed the orders he gave. I'm surprised at how much I'm being treated equally. Though, I suppose no one has a choice right now.

When I signed up for the WAAC, then the WAC, this is what I'd had in mind. Now that I'm here and apart of it, I regret being so willing.

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