Chapter 3

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                "Watch Zussman. The only thing more dangerous than the enemy is pride."

I'm holed up with Daniels and Zussman. I haven't been able to sleep and I'm not used to the heaviness of all the gear, so I've been looking around. I'm a bit more affected by seeing places destroyed like this, I think, because these are so close to my home. I've been telling Zussman to go to sleep, but he refuses.

Finally Daniels woke up and said something. "No, I need to show Pierson I'm ready."

"You must be extremely stupid to think that setting yourself up to fail shows him you're ready."

"I'm tired of taking his shit. Back home, when you do something, you do it head on." He took a sip of whatever alcohol they found. "It's the only way to earn respect."

"There are far better ways. Me hitting Aiello in the groin didn't earn me respect, it made me look like a fool that can't handle conflict."

"I don't agree with either of you," Daniels said.

I shook my head and took a cigarette from him. Being quiet has its advantages. I learned Zussman is Jewish, and that he refuses to admit how much pain he's in.

After taking Maringy, we had a good amount of time to rest up. I went about doing my job, and Zussman liked to accompany me. He claimed it was "to make sure I don't need any help." I have my own theories, though.

"Help me with this," I said and had him help with a gun. "So, I heard you mention you're Jewish in Maringy?"

"Yeah, I'm German-Jewish. Don't tell anyone, though. It's not something I keep out in the public."

I nodded. "Are you from Germany?"

"No, but my parents are." He looked at me for a moment and continued. "I'm going to assume you are. What part?"

"Cologne. In 1938, I believe, I was sent to America. I was 14."


I nodded. "I didn't get there until 1941."

"What happened between those times, then?"

"I wasn't completely alone. I was on the Kindertransport. It was a way of getting many Jewish children out of Hitler's power before anything too bad happened to us. I got sent to Scotland in the long run and lived with a foster family. They helped me get to America."

"Wow. You've had some real shit in your life."

I nodded. "It wasn't so bad. Maybe we'll get to liberate Germany, and I'll get to my family. That's far too hopeful, though. At most, maybe I'll see my siblings again."

"Your siblings didn't go with you?"

"No, they were all either too old or my family needed them to work."

"Damn. I'm sorry."

"Its not all bad. I'm here, and I'm making money. There's not much else to do."

He looked surprised. "You joined for money?"

"No one in America was hiring a young, German, immigrant, female. This was the only way. It was this, or I'd be on the street. I'd probably get sent to an internment camp, too."

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