Chapter 18

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This is it, this is the last chapter, guys. I had so much fun writing this and i'm sad its over, but I don't want to drag it out too long. Don't worry, though, I think I'm gonna end up writing a different story soon!

Also! I added pictures to this to help visualize an idea I had for her dress/hair ( I couldn't figure out how to get both in the header thing, so I put the hair a little below)

Also! I added pictures to this to help visualize an idea I had for her dress/hair ( I couldn't figure out how to get both in the header thing, so I put the hair a little below)

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Planning the wedding was a lot less fun than I thought it would be. Robert had family to invite, childhood and high school friends, and I had almost no one.

On the more positive side, the wedding wasn't going to cost very much, so we had started looking at houses. If we wait a little longer and save a little more after the wedding, we could afford a nice, two bedroom house. We decided to do that.

"Mail call," Robert called as he shut the front door to the apartment and took off hit coat and shoes.

"It must be snowing pretty hard," I commented after I looked at him.

"Yeah, no shit. You're next to get mail," he jokingly pointed at me.

I chuckled and took the mail to flip through. One envelope caught my eye more than others. It wasn't as bright-white as the others and looked a little more worn. On it, my name and address was scribbled neatly and I recognized the handwriting.

Letters from Pierson were far apart from each other, but they had so much in them. He'd always tell me about what he was doing in such detail and how he's helping make the places that we had a hand in destroying beautiful again. Lately, though, he was assigned on some other military duty, I wasn't sure what, though.

I tore open the letter from Pierson and read it eagerly. It basically said that when I had told him the day of the wedding, he'd gotten permission to be out of the military and at the wedding for close to a week around it. I'd asked him in the last letter if he could be there, would he want to walk me down the aisle since I didn't have parents who could. He said he'd be more than happy to. I smiled and read everything in the letter, my smile getting bigger and bigger with each line.

I forgot about the other mail and hugged Robert tightly. I wanted to cry. I was so afraid I would have to walk down that aisle alone and now I don't have to. I explained everything to him and went back to sorting through the other mail.

Late that night, I was writing a letter. Two, actually. One was to Stiles, asking him to be my maid-of-honor. I told him that I didn't care what he called it, as long as he'd be there with me. The other was to Pierson, telling him how thankful I was and how excited I am.

Things seemed to look up. I may not have had any of my own friends that weren't also Robert's, but I will have so many people there than mean so much to me.

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