Chapter 5

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Y'all, I'm updating so much but you know what? I'm getting into this, lmao. I'm having fun and also am procrastinating because my exams are coming up


I woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the door to the room. "Hey, get up or Pierson will be pissed."

I groaned and got ready for the day. "Robert, come on," I said and nudged the shaky bedpost, waking him. "Pierson isn't going to care if you're hungover or not, get up."

He did eventually, and we both went to get breakfast together. Almost everyone was already up, so it was typically just us.

"Do you remember anything about last night?" I asked.

"Um, yeah," he scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, a few parts are iffy, but I never really blacked out." I nodded. "I almost asked why, but that'd be a dumb question." I nodded again. "Are you not gonna say anything about it?"

"What would I say?"

"Listen..." He stopped us and looked at me. "I'm sorry, I was drunk and that was the first opportunity I've ever had to do something. I should've just talked about it, but I'm not great at words when I'm drunk."

I stopped him. "It's okay."


"Really." I gave him a reassuring smile and motioned for us to keep walking. "I'm still just... oh, I can't think of the word!"


"Yes! I'm still processing it." I shook my head and stopped him, even though I insisted we kept walking. "I like you, Robert. A lot. But if anything does happen, it has to be a secret. I'm the first and only woman here, and I can't be giving off the idea that I'm just here to get a boyfriend."

"I understand," he said quietly and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you," I smiled and started walking again.

"You seem way too perky to be hungover."

"Because I'm not. I stayed hydrated, so I feel fine," I explained when he looked at me weird.

"I did not know that," he nodded and made a face.

Like what I usually do with my free time, I had been fixing things for most of the day. I love being around everyone, but I very much appreciate my time when I can be alone. It gave me a lot of time to think about Zussman.

Last night felt good, there's no doubting it. I like him, but do I like him more than I like a friend or am I just lonely and wanting affection? Is it possible to have both? I honestly don't know any of the answers. Either way, there is no acting upon anything until after the war ends, which could be in a few months or a few years.

At least I have time to think.


I nodded without turning around.

"Wie geht es dir?"

I turned around to see who just asked me how I am in German. "You speak German?" I asked Zussman.

He smiled and nodded. "Keep it down, though. Remember? I'm not too open about the German part."

I smiled and nodded. "Of course. What're you doing here?"

"I've got a little bit of free time right now, so I figured I'd come say hello. Maybe get to know you a little better?"

"If you can do it while I work, that's fine."

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