Chapter 12

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                I was offered the chance to go out and watch the ceremony for sending the soldiers home, but I wasn't feeling good so I didn't. That and I didn't want to see everyone leaving while I was stuck here.

Beforehand the guys came in one last time, Daniels was missing but I assumed it's because he was leaving as a corporal.

I made Aiello leave his address under Stiles' on the napkin. "I swear," I pointed at him, "I'm taking you to Germany. You can bring your girl, too."

"You ain't getting me to leave Brooklyn ever again, but I'll applaud your efforts."

"Anytime, I'll go," Stiles offered. I nodded.

"We still need to get together and have drinks sometime, though," Robert commented.

"Germany has fantastic beer and wine," I shrugged.

Stiles chuckled and they sat with me and Robert up until they had to line up for the ceremony. I was going to miss them, but maybe I'll still get to see them.

We could hear the ceremony. Robert wanted to go, but he was still too sick, the nurse said. I heard her mention to the other nurse that he hasn't responded to treatments as quickly. I could believe it. He'd gained a bit of weight back (as had I, but it didn't look like much) but his eyes were still sunken and his cheekbones still were as prominent as ever.

Afterwards, Daniels came in to say goodbye.

"Seriously, if you're ever in Chicago..."

"I'll come see you," Daniels promised. I let them have their time and read a book. Finally he came over and hugged me.

"Thank you," I said as he pulled away.

"For what?"

"Everything. You've had my back, you found Robert, you've done everything."

He smiled like I'd just made his day. "Thank you, too. You've done more than you can imagine. My favorite story, still, is that you told Pierson to kiss your ass. I can't believe I missed that."

"What?" Robert asked, confused.

"I'll explain it later," I smiled and waved a hand at him.

"I gotta go," Daniels said and straightened his jacket.

"Let me know if our baby is cute! I'll come visit!" I called as he backed out. He laughed and nodded.

"We're... alone," Robert said after a minute.

I cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "Like," he started, "it's just us two; the other three guys aren't here anymore." I nodded. "It's crazy."

"So about that story..." Robert turned on his side and looked at me.

At that moment, Pierson walked in. "Just the man I was looking for," I greeted him. "I was about to tell Robert about how I told you to kiss my ass in Germany."

He laughed and pulled up a chair. Pierson ended up telling the story and we had as good of a time as we could. It was one of those situations where it's funny now that we've had time and found Robert. As someone who was almost scared of Pierson when I first arrived, to respecting him, to being angry at him, and now being friends with him, it's kind of funny that I did that. Him imitating my accent was also funny.

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