Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Don't Think I Don't Know (Emma's P.O.V)

After eating breakfast with everyone, we decided to do more investigating. Mary Margaret really wanted to help find Elsa, saying she was the best tracker we had. David agreed to stay with Neal and Henry.

Killian, my mother and I left to meet Regina at her house. Robin, Rumple and Belle were waiting there for us. "Shouldn't you be resting?" Regina asked Mary Margaret when she saw her. "I made a quick recovery," she smiled. "It's been three days," Regina replied, "Go home and rest," "No," Mary Margaret laughed, walking inside.

Regina sighed and let Killian and I in. "So, Belle, did you find anything about Elsa?" I asked once we were in the living room. "Um, yeah," she said handing me a small brown book entitled "The Tale of the Ice Queen" "Henry's book didn't have anything?" Regina asked. I shook my head.

"Not from our land. Wonderful," she sighed. Killian shifted uncomfortably. "You know her, don't you? Why does she want to kill you?" Robin asked him. "Long story..." Killian trailed off. "I've got time," Rumple said.

He told us the story of being at the bar and pushing her into the water. When he was done, I looked at him beside me. "Really? You're kidding, right? Jerk!" I said. "My brother had just died. I was angry at everyone and everything," he whined.

"So you push an innocent woman into the ocean?" Belle asked. "She tried to kill me!" Killian defended himself. "Okay, enough. It was a long time ago, he's changed, you all know that, moving on," I said, tired of arguing over this.

Belle explained what she had found in the book. "The previous Dark One," she glanced at Rumple, "Zoso... He found her and made a deal with Elsa, Natalie at the time, that he'd save her if she promised to kill you, Killian. He gave her ice powers, saved her life... Everything" she explained.

"Okay, what is it with dark ones wanting to kill me?!? I never met him!" Killian exclaimed. "Yeah, and that's the weird part. When he died, Elsa hadn't killed you yet, so she was trapped in the vase. But the story never explains why he wanted you dead..." Belle trailed off nervously.

"Wonderful. Anyone want to go back and find out? Because I've done my share of time travel this week and I'm not planning on going back," Killian said, annoyed. "Okay. Killian, you're fine, she won't kill you I won't let her," I promised, he sighed. I walk over to him and took his hand.

"You're safe," I whispered in his ear. He nodded nervously. I took his arm, I could tell he was freaking out and decided he needed some fresh air. "We're gonna go outside, okay?" I said to the others. Everyone nodded, probably knowing he was scared.

"What's going on?" I asked once we were in Regina's backyard, sitting on lawn chairs side by side. "She wants me dead..." Killian answered. "I already told you. I won't let her hurt you," I promised again. "I almost lost you yesterday! What if she pulls something like that on me! What if it can't be undone! What if... What if we lose each other?!?" He exclaimed.

"We won't! If there's two things you're good at, they're surviving and blowing my mind doing it," I said, trying to cheer him up. He smiled slightly. "You think so?" He asked hopefully. I kissed him in response. "Come on," He said, helping me up, "let's go get rid of this ice-blasting wench," he smiled at me.

I nodded happily and we went inside, his arm around my waist. "-so cute together!" I heard Mary Margaret squeal as we entered the house again. I looked up at Killian and rolled my eyes with a smile.

"We need a plan," Rumple said after we sat back down. "Emma's magic is still getting stronger. She isn't done learning yet, but can certainly overpower Elsa with ease. We just need to get her close enough," he explained. "Wait, wait, wait! I'm not going head to head with another villain! Can't Regina and you help?" I asked.

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