Chapter 1

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Eddie stormed into Captain Singh's office ahead of Barry and Joe. "Captain. You need to take a look at these..." he said as he threw a stack of documents down in front of the chief of CCPD.

"What am I looking at here, Eddie?" Singh asked as he looked over at Joe and Barry, who followed in afterwards.

"Proof that the Flash is a public menace... we need to stop him!"
"I don't actually see anything here that points to him being a menace... He isn't hurting anyone Eddie..." Singh argued, half-heartedly. "Do the two of you agree with Eddie's notion here or is he just..." Singh asked Joe and Barry.

"Oh no, this is all him..." Joe replied.
"Why are you after the Flash?" Barry asked Eddie.

"Why aren't I? He is clearly a vigilante... and we just need to look at the events in Gotham City and Star City to see how that will turn out..." Eddie debated.

"Thawne, all I see is that he is making our jobs easier on us... and until he commits a crime, we will leave it at that." Singh said as he handed the documents back to Eddie.

Eddie stormed out of his office, shouldering Barry on his way out. "Hey!" Barry called out, as he ran after him.

"Eddie. What is all this? You said that you had proof?" Barry asked.

Eddie handed him the papers and showed him one article in particular that stood out from the rest. It was dated back two months ago.
'Five dead after red lightning strikes.'
"Red lightning?" Barry asked, "but the Flash emits yellow lightning..." an eerie thought crossed his mind. Barry had only ever met one other speedster, who did emit red lightning... Eobard Thawne.

"Captain Singh won't even look into this case!" Eddie said angrily. He went to storm off.

"Eddie! I'll help you!" Barry said, stopping Eddie from leaving. "I don't think this guy is the Flash, but whoever he is... I'll help you bring him down!"

Barry ran over to STAR Labs. He didn't know where he was going to start in his search to relocate Eobard Thawne but he had to start somewhere.

He raced over to Cisco's computer and began searching every public database, every news article and every relatable case that might lead to the speedster's whereabouts.

"Barry, what's all this about?" Cisco asked, "Ooooh, do we have a case?" Barry was ready to tell his friend everything, and then remembered his promise to DR Fate. He couldn't say a thing about the alternate reality, so he needed to choose his words very carefully.

"Word has it, there's a new speedster in town, he's murdering families and Eddie and I are going to take him down." Barry explained.

"Eddie and you? I can't help but feel a little hurt here... What happened to Team Flash?" Cisco asked him.

"You know what I mean. We're all going to take him down, you, me, Eddie, Astrid and Caitlin."

"Now, that's what I'm talkin bout... Give me those and I'll see what I can find. Just promise me that you won't tell Eddie about know... secret identity... But then again, if we're all not careful... He'll just read our minds anyway..." Cisco said as he took the papers and got to work on his computer.

Barry noticed that his friend was wearing the anti-telepathic communicators. "Didn't Astrid tell us that Eddie couldn't read our minds... that she only thought he could?"

"...That's because Eddie can control minds too... I'm guessing he manipulated her mind and made her forget that he could... or something like that... and here it is..." he said pointing to his screen.

"Red lightning seen shooting through Central City..." Barry read the screen. The article had not yet been published but had clearly just been written. "This hasn't even been released through Picture News, yet... how did you..."

"Hey... we don't ask magicians how they do their tricks, do we? So, Abra Cadabra!" Cisco replied leaning back on his chair, picking up a pen and tapping it on the screen, before chewing on the end. "But I warn you, be careful of Eddie... Even if Astrid changed her mind about him being able to control minds... I think it's all part of his master plan!"

"Cisco, you think that everyone is a villain with a master plan these days," Caitlin said as she entered the room holding a tablet in her hands.

"That's probably because everybody actually is..." Cisco replied.

"Everyone? Or everyone that is dating... Astrid!" Caitlin said as Astrid walked into the room speaking on her phone.

Cisco nodded at Caitlin as a 'yes' to her question. Astrid ended her phone call and looked directly at Barry. "Your brother is hell bent on capturing the Flash... and apparently you're helping him?"

"Well... I'm not helping him capture the Flash, but there is this other speedster in town... and I guess..."

"You guess that it could be your mother's killer, but Eddie thinks that it's the Flash, so either way you win, right?" she asked him.

Barry nodded slowly. "yeah... that pretty much sums it up."

"Well, Ok. Just tell me what you need us to do..." she said with a sigh.

"Thanks ... but there was something else that I've been meaning to talk to you guys about." Barry confessed.

His friends gave him their undivided attention. "What's on your mind, Barry?" Caitlin asked him.

"The other night... when you were out with Eddie... I received a message from Iris, saying that she needed to talk... it turned out that you were right. She was on to me about having feelings for her... As it happened, she read an old letter that I wrote for her, declaring how I felt about her. She asked me if it were true... and so I told her... and she told me that she doesn't feel the same way." Barry had been speaking very fast, as he was venting.

"Oh, Barry." Astrid sympathized. She put her arm around his shoulders.

"I'm okay, I promise... but I guess that it just hit me more than I thought it would."

"Yeah, as it would. If you need to take some time..." Astrid began.

"No, I don't need time. I just need to focus on being the Flash and bringing down this other speedster." Barry replied.

"Well, here's your shot, Barry! There's currently red lightning going through Central City right now!" Cisco exclaimed, excitedly, as he watched a red dot shoot across the map on his computer screen.

Within a heartbeat, Barry was gone.

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