Chapter 4: The Labyrinth

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I walked down the dark hallway. It was strange... I couldn't see anything beyond the walls through Dark Vision. Only what was in front of me. Occasionally I would hear a hiss or a roar from somewhere in the hallway. It seemed to diverge in every direction. It got confusing, so eventually I tried going back the way I came, but all the paths were different from when I originally walked through.

As I walked back, I heard a loud, deep voice.


I froze. I looked around, and saw a large doorway to another passage. I peered through, and saw what looked like a large, hairy and bulky... thing. He had tattoos on his arms. He was turned the other way.

"Calm down!" Yelled a smaller voice. It sounded feminine, and seemed to be right in front of the monster. It sounded human. "It's still hard to navigate through the labyrinth, even after Daedalus's death. But why I have to bring one of you laestrygonians is beyond me. "

The giant moved to the side, and I saw a young girl, about my age. She had a sweatshirt and a short dress that stopped just before the knee. I was about to go towards her, to save her from the 'Laestrygonian' as she called it, but her appearance flickered like a lightbulb about to go out. For a second, she appeared to have pale white skin, fangs poking out of her mouth, and with one leg a goat leg, and the other made out of metal. It appeared to be bronze. She had long, sharp claws where her fingernails should be. I stayed behind the wall.

"Gaea told me to go with you, so you don't mess up again like when you let Percy Jackson get away in Tartarus." the giant snapped. The girl snarled.

"I won't make that mistake again." she paused. She raised her head, and sniffed the air. "I smell someone... a demigod."

The giant followed her lead, and sniffed. "You're right. It's a powerful one... but that's impossible. Nobody could be here but us."

I stayed behind the wall, watching them with Dark Vision, but then I saw the girl turn her head, until she was looking right at me. She smiled.

"Looks like we'll be having demigod for dinner."

She ran towards me with inhuman speed, and threw me towards the Laestrygonian. It picked me up.

"About time! I've been starving!". It opened its huge mouth, and was about to take a bite out of me. I grabbed one of my grenades and sent it down the monster's throat.

"Ack!" it dropped me, and I saw it's stomach expand. Bits of shrapnel blew out of it, and yellow sulfurous sand came out of the wounds.

"What the Hell are you!" I yelled. I drew my sword and my pistol. The girl attacked me from behind, making large cuts down my back.

I turned around and swung my sword. But the blade just phased through her body.

The girl laughed. "A demigod without a proper weapon? That girl in Tartarus put up a good fight, and she was half dead and unarmed! You're nothing but a weak, pathetic little boy!"

She kicked me in the gut. I fell back, coughing up blood. I glared at her. "I am NOT weak." I managed. I was filled with rage. The mark on my hand glowed, and the ground began to darken. In the dark spots of the floor, rats began to run out. Dozens of them ran toward to girl and the laestrygonian, eating large chunks of them.

"What in Hades-!" the girl yelled, but disintegrated into sulfuric sand before she could finish the sentence. All that was left from her was a pile of sand and blood.

I turned toward the Laestrygonian, but he was still alive. He was smashing the rats under his large feet. "Dumb rats! Now I'm alone to report to Gaea!" He looked toward me. He smiled, showing his large, misshapen teeth. "At least I get this demigod to myself." He ran towards me, but I 'Blinked' out of the way, behind him.

"Huh? Where'd he go?"

I shot a windblast at him, like I did with the guards, but it only sent him off balance a bit. He quickly regained his footing.

"Is that the best you could do?" He smacked me hard, making me hit the wall. It was obvious I couldn't take him on. My weapons didn't work. My powers didn't have much effect. So, I did what I could do.

I ran.


I was running aimlessly through the maze for a long time, but no matter how far I would go, I couldn't get rid of the monster. I could hear him yelling "I can smell you! You can't hide forever!"

I felt trapped. I couldn't get rid if him, I was confined to this maze, and I had no way of navigating it.

I could hear it coming closer, it's foot steps getting louder and louder. I was out of breath.

Then, I saw a marking on the side of the wall, like the one at the entrance. I put my hand on, it and it glowed and gave way to a small exit, just large enough for me to crawl through. I got out, and was blinded by a bright light.

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