Chapter 6: New Faces

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I woke up in what looked like an infirmary. I was laying on a cot, among a few others. Most of the other people had arms or legs in casts. They seemed to be around my, if not older.

I got up off the cot and winced in pain. My back and side was wrapped in bandages from the wounds the girl gave me last night.

On a chair next to the cot was my black overcoat and an orange t-shirt, along with my pistol. I put on the shirt and coat and walked out of the infirmary. Standing outside was Chiron, and the boy with the bow from last night. They were talking to each other.

"Where could he have come from Chiron?" asked the boy.

"I'm not sure, Tyler. But there's something... strange about him. The mark on his hand, the mask..."

They noticed then that I was standing there.

"Well look who's finally awake" said Chiron.

"Where's my mask?" I demanded.

"It is being repaired at the Forge." said Chiron. "It was damaged pretty badly after last night's... events."

"What's your name?" asked the boy. I noticed some features of him that was concealed by the helmet last night. The boy, Tyler, had sky blue eyes, and blonde hair.

"Nikolas" I replied.

"Nice to meet you. My name's Tyler. I'm a son of Apollo. Is it ok if I call you Nick? Ok, well, welcome to Camp Half-Blood. I'm guessing from the fact that you took on Clarisse that you're a demigod, since no mortal is stupid enough to do that. " he said jokingly.

"Hey Chiron. Is it ok if I show him around Camp?" He asked.

"Of course. It would be best for him to explore his new home." Chiron replied.

Home. That's where I should be right now. Instead of staying at this camp. But, then again, there isn't much home to go back to. And this place seems much safer than Dunwall.

But, if I stay here, I'll never get my revenge. The man who killed my mother. Destroyed my only family.

Anger was filling up inside me. I have to leave as soon as possible.

"What's wrong Nick? You okay?" asked Tyler. "You look a little... red."

I started breathing slower. "I'm fine. Let's keep going."

He looked unsure, but continued anyway. We went throughout the entire camp. We visited the pegasus stables, and for some reason they didn't like me. They backed up as if they thought I would harm them. We went to the Big House, where a grumpy guy in a leopard-pattern shirt was complaining about something to do with wine and diet coke.  We passed by the cabins, which seemed like the most bizarre buildings in all of camp.

"Why is it that there's so many people crammed into cabin 11, when Cabins 1, 2, 3, 8 and 13 are empty?"

Tyler laughed, as if it was a stupid question. "Well, that's because Hermes gets around a lot, so he ends up having a lot of kids. And as for the empty cabins, well Cabins 1, 3 and 13 are for the big Three Gods Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. They ended up making an oath about 70 years ago during World War 2 not to have anymore kids. But Zeus and Poseidon ended up breaking the oath, and Hades had children that were born before World War 2, but managed to survive. The Cabin's occupants are on a quest right now, though. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, Thalia and Jason Grace, children of Zeus, and Nico DiAngelo, son of Hades, are all on a quest with other demigods to take on Gaia, the Earth Mother. As for cabins 2 and 8, the goddesses Hera and Artemis are virgin goddesses, so they don't have any demigod kids.

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