Chapter 10: Goddess of Magic

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I stood there, dumbfounded by the resemblance between this goddess and the Outsider. And the fact that a goddess would confront me.

"Yes, I do somewhat resemble my brother." she said, as if she read my thoughts.

"Unfortunate, that he chose the wrong side in the first Titan War. But his punishment was necessary." she said coldly. She looked at me with her cold black eyes. "From what I've understood from your mark, you're his new Void-Walker."

I looked at her curiously. "Whats a Void-Walker" I asked.

"One of my brother's followers that he has chosen to bear that mark." She said. "One who is able to draw energy from his realm and prison: the Void".

I started to back up. "What do you want from me?" I asked.

She showed a cold smile. "Straight to the point. Even from other worlds, you demigods are still impatient."

I got confused. "What do you mean by 'other worlds' "? I asked. She held up her hand.

"I'll just get to the point." She said, ignoring my question. "I need you to get something for me."

"I'm not a messenger. Why can't you get it yourself?" I asked.

"I am not able to reach it. There's some sort of block keeping me from reaching it."

"If you can't even reach, whatever it is, then how do you expect me to get it?"

"The block can only affect immortals. Which is one of the reasons why I chose you to go. "

I thought for a moment. "What if I choose not to get it?" I asked.

She smiled again. "Oh, you don't have to. It is your choice. However, the other reason why I chose you, is because it has to do with the man who killed your mother. If you're still interested, then go to Chiron. He'll send you on your way." after she said that, she disappeared in a plume of white smoke, and everything went back to normal again

Sorry about it being a short chapter, guys. I was in a rush. Also, sorry about that other story I suggested a chapter or two ago. That didn't go well. I'm going to make a new story to replace it, so bear with me. Anyway, thanks for reading and bye.

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