Chapter 8: The Cabin

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I was lead by Tyler to the Hades Cabin, Cabin 13. It was a small, black building made of dark volcanic rock, with skulls decorating the outside of the cabin. At the door was two torches with green flames. 

"Well, this is it." said Tyler, with a bit of fear in his voice.

"Seems homey." I said sarcastically. He released a nervous laugh.

"Yeah... make yourself at home." he said

"Why are you so afraid of the cabin?" I asked.

"It's not the cabin I'm nervous about..." he replied.

'Oh' I thought. 'I'm not THAT scary... sure my dad's God of the Dead, but that doesn't change who I am. Sure, I wasn't very friendly to begin with, but he was still nice before.'

"I'll see you around." I said, hoping to keep the one friend I had here.

"Yeah..." he said timidly. "See ya."

He left, walking quickly to his cabinet for the night. I sighed. I walked into my cabin.

Inside wasn't much different. The floor and walls were made of the same volcanic rock. Green torches lit the cabin. There was bones and jewels decorating the cabin. There was six bunk beds, three on both sides. I saw one of the beds seemed used.

"Probably Nico's bed." I said to myself. There was some pictures hung up next to it. They were of a young boy, most likely Nico, with black hair, Brown eyes, and pale skin, like me. There was another person in the photos. She seemed older than Nico. She looked a lot like him. The same color hair and eyes. A sister, perhaps?

I took the bed on the opposite side of Nico's. I put my pack down on a small table next to my bed, along with my pistol and mask. I went to sleep, glad that I got to rest. Little did I know I wasn't going to rest easy for a long time.


In my dream, there was three people arguing in the distance. It was dark, so I couldn't see their faces. But I could hear them.

"Something needs to be done about it." I heard one say.

"Like what?" another said. "I realize that he's our enemy, but we have no way to keep him contained without harming others. He knows how to escape Tartarus, he's capable of escaping any prison we can think of."

"We can just kill him." the third one said. "He won't be a problem then."

"We're not going to kill him. He may be our enemy, but he's still Hecate's brother. We can't just kill our own family."

"But you did that with Kronos."

"That was different. He could still survive his punishment. This one is different. This... outsider."

I winced at that word. Who are they? What are they talking about? WHO are they talking about?

"There's one other option I can think of." one of them said. "There's another world, one similar to ours, made during the same time Chaos made Oranos and Gaia. Another Earth."

There was silence, as if they were thinking about it.

"Hades is right." one of them said. "We could send him to this other Earth. Let him think about his actions in solitude."

"Alright, Poseidon. I agree. We'll send him to the other Earth."

I was stunned. Those three beings... they're THE Big Three. Zeus, Poseidon, and my father Hades. But who were they referring to? Could it be the... Outsider?

The scene shifted. I appeared to be in some kind of temple or throne room. It was similar to the descriptions of Mt. Olympus, but instead of being bright with white marble, it was dark with black obsidian. There was a man standing next to a throne. He wore black ancient Greek style robes. His clothes seemed to shift, as if there were souls trapped in it. He had black hair with a long beard. He walked towards me.

"Hello, son. I cannot talk for long, so I need to make this quick. You need to talk to Hecate. She has the answers you seek. About the Outsider. Your mother. Everything."

I was shocked. My father, talking to me for the first time. I felt I should be happy, but I didn't. I felt rage building up inside me.

"Where the Hell have you been all my life?!" I demanded. "Where were you when mom died? Where were you when I was left alone?" He stayed silent.

"Answer me, Damn it!" He sighed.

"I could not help you and your mother, no matter how much I wanted to. My brothers would not let me reach you. I only had enough time to keep you in Dunwall, where you would be safe from Zeus' and Poseidon's wrath." He said it with no emotion. Typical from a deadbeat.

"I have something for you." he held out his hand. In it was a ring. It was silver, with a skull on it.

"The last time I took something from someone in a dream, it didn't end very well." I said, unsure. But I picked it up anyways.

"What does it do?" I asked.

"That which you manifest is before you." he replied. Then, everything faded into black.

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