seven ; this thing called time

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chapter seventhis thing called time

chapter seven ━ this thing called time

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❝ just how long would you wait? ❞


THE WARM COFFEE reached her lips and Melody drank it slowly so she wouldn't burn her tongue. The previous day's events had her mind busy though she tried to not think about it. It still bothered her as to the fact that no one in her family had cast the protection spell. And no one she knew in Mystic Falls cast the spell either. It was as if someone from the outside did it instead. But then that brought the question as to why.

Melody couldn't think of a reason. Why would someone she didn't even know, want to protect her? Things just didn't add up. Although it annoyed her to no end, she knew that there were more pressing matters than a mysterious person protecting her. Because at least they weren't trying to kill her.

Footsteps sounded through the kitchen and Melody turned to see Stefan. He smiled at her and she held out a cup of coffee to him. "Coffee?"

Stefan thanked her and grabbed it. He raised an eyebrow once he saw her drink from her own cup. "I didn't think you drank coffee."

Melody shrugged, taking another sip. "I usually don't. But I needed the extra boost this morning considering that there's this masquerade later."

"Ah, let me guess, you volunteered to help plan."

The woman finished off her coffee and set it in the sink, rinsing it off before setting it down. She turned around to look at Stefan and leaned against the counter. "I told Bonnie and Elena I would help," Melody explained, recalling when last night Stefan had told her that he explained to Elena about him trying human blood. She was mad. Elena was hurt by the fact that Melody was helping him through this instead of her. Not to mention the fact that she tried convincing Stefan that having human blood was a bad idea. "So now, I told them I wasn't helping because I'm pissed at Elena."

Stefan nodded, remembering the events of last night as well. "Like you said, it's my choice, not her's."

"Good." Melody grabbed a small knife from the knife set and aimed the blade at her hand. She jabbed her skin slightly, just enough to draw a little blood, and then held it out to Stefan. "Don't let her change your mind."

The younger Salvatore gave her a grateful smile and then walked toward her. He took a deep breath before taking Melody's palm, drinking the blood that was on the surface of her skin.

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now