twenty-two ; a curse called loneliness

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chapter twenty-twoa curse called loneliness

chapter twenty-two ━ a curse called loneliness

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❝ we were meant to come into each other's lives ❞


IT WAS ABOUT time. Finally, after weeks of waiting, Klaus finally started treating her better. At least a bit better than before which Melody was grateful for. When Stefan returned, announcing that he had taken care of their problem, Klaus had gotten the location of the pack. So they made the trip to the Smokey Mountains. This is when the newly turned hybrid began to treat her a bit better. He offered a break so she could stretch her legs, got her some snacks for the road, and he had held her car door open for her to get in, as well as the door to the gas station. Not to mention that he had paid for her snacks. This wouldn't have made a difference if he hadn't used compulsion every other time they bought something.

Melody (feeling guilty for not acknowledging his kind gestures which she blamed on the Charmings) thanked him and sent a small smile his way. And surprisingly, he returned it. She wasn't any closer to getting the truth. However, Melody felt guilty again for using him. If she did, the fairytale woman would be no better than Katherine Pierce herself.

The forest known as the Smokey Mountains was similar to the one in StoryBrooke. The only difference Melody could point out was that it was nearly all uphill (hence it being the Smokey Mountains). Her legs weren't going to give out anytime soon, Klaus made sure of that by offering breaks. Even though he was excited to finally make his hybrids, the manners that Melody didn't know existed, took root when she was around.

Stefan carried Ray on his shoulders while Klaus walked up ahead, behind Melody. He wouldn't admit it aloud, but the hybrid was impressed by her knowledge of tracking. It didn't take the woman very long to get them on a set path towards where the werewolf pack lied.

Klaus cast a glance over at Stefan before looking forward. "You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?"

"I'm fine," was the vampire's reply.

Melody rolled her eyes when Klaus continued his teasing. "You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down—"

"Stop being such an ass." She turned to them and stopped walking. Her arms crossed over her chest. "If you think Stefan is having some problems, why don't you carry Ray, Klaus?"

Klaus smirked. "Well, why would I do that? We're already here."

When Melody looked away and continued walking, it became evident to Klaus that she already knew that they were there. Of course she would, he thought smugly. Klaus knew it was her dream to continue to piss him off. But that just made her more intriguing to him. Melody was a challenge.

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now