ten ; roses for an angel

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chapter tenroses for an angel

chapter ten ━ roses for an angel

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❝ light and dark lived inside of her ❞


EVEN THE SOUND of her name made Melody want to burn the Boarding House to the ground. To say that she hated Elena with a passion was the hugest understatement of the century. The doppelganger used her and Melody wasn't going to stand by that. Stefan told her that he called Elena over the next morning. After Rose arrived, the fairytale woman let her stay and led her to one of the guest rooms.

Regina had called that morning after hearing what had happened. She was worried but Melody tried to ease her concern. She couldn't return home. Not until she knew the truth and not until she helped Stefan and the others with whatever was going on. Not to mention the fact that she felt as if she needed to stay in Mystic Falls. As if something would happen if she didn't.

Melody had stayed up late that night just thinking about everything that happened so far. And maybe if she thought hard enough, she could make sense of what was going on with her mystery protector.

Then, there was Elijah. He had given her his word to tell her the truth, which only made her more eager, knowing that the truth rested in an Original vampire she hardly knew. But Melody felt as if she could trust Elijah. And she knew better than to question her gut feeling because it had proved to be right almost one-hundred percent of the time.

And then that led to Klaus. Melody got a weird feeling in her stomach when she heard his name. It was an odd feeling, like a sense of comfort or a feeling of knowing she had someone there. But that didn't make sense because Klaus was supposed to be the bad guy in this situation. However, Melody knew that she should know that the bad guy isn't always the bad guy, you just haven't heard their story yet. So in a way, she wasn't ready to jump to conclusions about him despite Rose telling her that he was bad news.

Melody walked down the stairs to see Elena walking into the Boarding House looking confused.

"What is this about?" the doppelganger questioned.

Melody scoffed and Rose appeared next to her as the two entered the living room. Elena looked shocked to see Rose. The vampire decided to pace while Stefan sat on the arm of the couch, Melody next to him. Damon sat on the couch across from them, also on the arm of it. The Gilbert sat on the other couch, watching Rose with caution.

"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true," Rose explained as she paced. "It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real."

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now