twenty-five ; enemies who became friends

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chapter twenty-fiveenemies who became friends

chapter twenty-five ━ enemies who became friends

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❝ light intertwined with evil ❞


MELODY OPENED HER eyes in what felt like forever. She blinked several times, realizing that she no longer laid on the hard surface of the truck. There were sheets underneath her. A bed. The fairytale woman sat up, looking side to side at the bedroom she was in. There was no familiarity to it which made her nose scrunch up in confusion. Her fingers cracked as fire began to ignite in between each one. She stood up and went over to the window. There was a line of buildings that gave nothing away as to where she was.

Klaus walked in at that instant and smirked. "Oh good, you're up." She spun to him. "I was beginning to get rather bored."

She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Where the hell are we?" He crossed over to the drawer and got out a charm. Melody quickly snatched it from him, realizing it to be the one that Killian gave to her. "You had no right taking that from me."

He ignored the last part and answered her first question. "We are in Portland. You said you wanted to see the world. Consider me this showing you a bit of what the world has to offer. Stefan is in Mystic Falls, doesn't have his humanity, but he's fine. Rebekah is as well. I found a way to make my hybrids which is Elena's blood. I'm here to make some hybrids."

Melody relaxed a bit, not breaking eye contact with him. Stefan lost his humanity and was still Klaus's puppet. The thought made her blood boil, but not as much as she thought it would. "I'm not that mad at you for throwing me in the back of that truck you know." He seemed genuinely surprised but covered it up. She saw it anyway. "I get why you did it. You didn't want to admit that what I said before got to you. You don't want to admit that you have a soft spot for me."

"Oh so you yelling at me was nothing then?"

She shrugged. "Spur if the moment." He looked as if he might smile but held it back. "Fine, say you don't have a soft spot for me." Melody took a step toward him with a smirk. "Then why bring me on this trip with you and not leave me in Mystic Falls?"

The question caught him off-guard. Klaus hadn't thought about that. He looked at her, taking a step to brush away a piece of her hair. "Do you really think I'd leave my one true love—" Melody rolled her eyes, knowing he was being dramatic. "—behind when I could have her right by my side?"

She shook her head. In a swift movement, Melody grabbed his arm and broke it with her magic. Klaus groaned, falling to the ground. He hissed, "What was that for?"

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now