Bonus Chapter- (Aiden and Ariana)

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This chapter will be a bonus chapter, I decide I want to do this. There will be a couple bonus chapters, and this one will be the meeting of Aiden and Ariana. This will be EIGHTH grade. Aiden and Ariana have been dating for five years in twelfth year so eighth grade is when they met :)


"When you add seven with the twenty four x and then you divide to get the x by itself." Mrs Keller talks and talks about whatever she is. I write what she's writing down on the board despite me not caring. I don't like math, and I never will. It's the most non important thing to have. I just want to be a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys. I don't need for math.

The door of the classroom opens, and our principal steps inside with a boy standing next to him. The boy looks... angry sort of. His black is is fluffy and is brushed to the side. His hazel eyes are narrowed at the ground. His backpack is slung over his shoulders his toe kicking at the ground slightly.

"Sorry to interrupt Mrs Keller, but we have a new student joining us today. This is Aiden Hansen. Please make him feel welcomed." Principal Yates states before Mrs Keller smiles and the principal leaves leaving Aiden alone standing in front of the class.

"Aiden you can sit next to Ariana. We have a buddy system, so she can be your buddy." Mrs Keller state and everybody turns around to look at me. I can feel the slight heat rising to my cheeks. Aiden looks around before his eyes find mine. Aiden nods slowly, walking down the aisle towards my desk. He pulls out the chair claiming the seat as he tosses his backpack carelessly to the ground.

"Miss Timothy please explain to Mr Hansen on what we are doing." Mrs Keller says, before turning around explaining some more on what she was talking about at first. Aiden turns his head to look at me, his eyes are really pretty. He has a speck of green and grey on the light brown.

"Are you done staring?" Aiden asks, a smirk has taken place on his lips. His elbow resting against the edge of the desk, his cheek resting against his palm of his hand. If I wasn't blushing then, then I'm definitely blushing right now.

"I wasn't staring. I was... simply... shut up." I state huffing turning back around to face the front. A soft chuckles leaves the boy sitting down next to me. I have to hold back an eye roll though. I don't want to seem rude.

Everyone is constantly glancing back at us, which makes me feel weird. I'm popular persay, I'm on our middle school's cheerleading squad along with five other girls since it's really small.

The bell rings which draws me from my mind, and I stand up smoothing out white skirt, and I grab my bag and my notebook sliding it back into bag. I feel someone staring at me, so I tear my eyes away from messing with my messenger bag and look up meeting the sparkling hazel eyes.

"May I help you?" I ask arching an eyebrow, and Aiden digs around into his pocket before handing me a folded up paper. He doesn't say anything just nodding towards it in his hand. I grab it and unfold it seeing it's his class schedule.

"Can you.. possibly show me around? I didn't mean to be so cocky earlier, it's just my personality." Aiden says causally, and he scratches the back of his neck as I look at him. I nod before looking back down at it seeing we have mainly all the same classes besides our physical education period, he has regular PE and I, of course, have cheerleading.

"We have all the same classes, so you can walk with me." I hum, handing him the paper which makes him smile very gentle. He shoves it back into his pocket and we walk out of the classroom together.

We must look weird together. He looks like the brooding bad boy type, despite probably only being thirteen or fourteen. His hair has been swept with his fingers quite a bit, and his leather jacket has some holes in it along with his jeans.

Then there's me. Blonde hair girl with the boring pale blue eyes wearing a white skirt and a peach tank top paired with a white jean jacket. My hair is in a ponytail which has a peach ribbon wrapped around it.

Perfection is what my parents always told and that's what I'm always taught in school.

The rest of my day goes by pretty quickly, Aiden and I spend a lot of time talking and getting to know each other. Aiden isn't as bad as I thought he was going to be. I gave him my phone number so we can text tonight. His company is something I throughly enjoy now.

Maybe it won't be as bad getting to know him as I thought.

The meeting chapter! This is what the bonus chapters are going to include.

[x] Meeting Chapter Of Ariana and Aiden
[x] First Date Of Ariana and Aiden
[] The Cheating Of Ariana and Aiden
[] Life before Esme with Parker and Rose

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