In the Dark of the Night

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Clarke and Bellamy both have a nightmare, but only one of them is asleep.


After a little discussion, everyone decided it would take too much time and effort to properly get rid of the two bodies, so they simply stripped them of weapons and hid them in a cluster of trees and bushes before continuing on their way.

With the horrors of the past two days, they probably should've found a campsite that was secure and hidden, but they were too tired and weak to care; instead, they dropped their packs as soon as they found a spot with an overhang. Miller pulled out their rations soon after, and though Bellamy's stomach was still tied up in knots after the events of the day, he obediently ate it anyway, knowing his friend would mother him if he didn't.

Clarke looked over his arm, muttering grumpily that he'd used it too much but relenting that they couldn't do anything about it until they went into a town, and told Lincoln to wrap up his side while she got out bedrolls.

"You should really be more careful," Lincoln said as he wiped off the dried blood. "I'll run out of sleeves for bandages sooner or later, and where will you be then?"

"Sorry," Bellamy said, unable to stop his mouth from quirking up a little. "Thank you, though."

"For bandaging your wound, or tearing up my borrowed shirts?"

"For saving my life today. I'd be dead if you hadn't been there."

Lincoln looked at him for a few moments, seeming to ponder something, then simply shrugged. "You're one of my people now; keeping you alive is certainly not a burden. But you're welcome."

Bellamy blinked. "One of your people?" He'd never really been anyone's 'people' before, except maybe Octavia's. And Skaikru, technically, though the brutal years of scouting hadn't made him overly fond of the title.

"You travel with us, and have already proven you would protect us and want what's best. That's enough in my book. Honestly, saving my sister might have been enough for me, and you've done that twice already."

At that, Bellamy dropped his gaze a little, swallowing. He'd also gotten Lincoln's sister in this mess in the first place—in both first places, if you counted when he lost her as a kid.

Lincoln noticed. "Does that not seem like enough to you?"

He hesitated. "No, I just...I would've thought you would think my actions to be selfish, when it came to your sister."

For some unfathomable reason, Lincoln smiled at that. "I did think that at first, but I know better now. A selfish man would not treat her as you have; trust me, I know. She's not a prize to you. You want her safe just as you want Miller safe, or I, or a family member."

Bellamy opened his mouth to argue, but found he couldn't. Though he would've laughed at the idea a couple of days ago, he truly did care about what happened to Clarke, whether the reward came or not.

The realization scared him a little. He couldn't afford too many attachments; he already had Octavia, and Miller, and against his better judgment the band of ex-scouts who looked up to him. And yet somehow Clarke – and her brother – had already wormed their way in with the others.

"That feel okay?"

Bellamy blinked, confused, before realizing Lincoln was asking about the bandage. "Uh, fine. Thanks."

Lincoln nodded and stood to help sort through supplies, leaving Bellamy to go over what had happened in his head—or attempt to, anyway. It was a bit too much for the moment, what with assassins tailing them, some person or thing called Wanheda trying to kill them, and a strange chip inside Clarke's head. Hopefully some sleep would help to sort through it all, but he wasn't hopeful about his chances—he now had two painful injuries to sleep on, and since they were now putting up a watch at all times, he'd be roused eventually anyway.

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