chapter 4 the beach

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Its been almost a month after the shooting and tord is back in the house. Noone has noticed my eye color yet, so im going to show them today."hey amy, are you in here? I hear tom whisper even though its like ...9:49 am. " yea wh-" "SHHHHH!!" I shut my mouth AS TOM SNEAKS IN HERE AND HIDES UNDER MY BED!!  "Tom?! What the hell?!" I whiser shout." 3 words amy, hide and seek." He whispers. "Ohh can I play?!" He is quiet for a second and then I hear, "sure, hide with me." I giggle as I right a note that says "Im playing" and I set it on my bed.

After I crawl next to tom under my bed, I hear the door burst open and I see tord standing there. He runs over and grabs the note and reads it. He chuckles and yelles out for everyone to her "AMY IS PLAYING GUYS!!" I dont hear any reply and I hear tord grumble "dang. Thought that would work" he steps out of my room. "Hey...amy..can you move your wings?" Tom whispers. I tuck my wings under my shirt and slowly crawl out, to find a better hiding place.

Im crawling on the floor, when I hear foot steps behind me. I get to the wall, and press my body agenst it. (Its like pitch black out side, and no ligts are on.) "Come out come out where ever you are..." I hear tord get REALLYYY close to me. I stop breathing. He sighs and walks away. I let out a sigh of relife.

After crawling around, I find a closet with matt in it. I get in it with him. He giggles as tord walks by and dosent hear us. I text mat, edd, and ton, saying that one of us should yell, you get a flash light to tord, but after the yell stops we should scream so he dosent knkw who said it. I pressed send and I hear edd yess "TORD GETS A FLASH LIGHT!!" then I yell along with matt tom and edd, so he wont know where we are.

I have been recording the time. Its been 5 min, and im the only one left. I had to pee, so I left mat, and tord found him. Im so scared. Everyone has a flash light. Not fair. I had an idea. I text everyone "hey guys, you guys have to stomp arounsd the house so I san know if your close or not. Thwn I hear the loudent stomp RIGHT NEST TO ME. I look over to see a purple hoodie with a green over coat. Matt. I turned my phone off, and I hear him stop right in frount of me. Then his flashliht flshes me in the eyes. "DANG IT!!!" I yell.

After matt does a victory dance, I call out "mett found meh"
I then went to bed.

Im the morning, I groan and wake up. Seeing tord VVVVEEERRRRYYYYYY close to my face. I close my eyes, then remember, I have the contacts in. I open my eyes and he looks at me and says, we are going to he beach. I sigh, and get dressed in a red bathing suit. Only becuase tord picked it out becuase im to lasy. I role my eyes, seeing it was a bikini. I then put some flipflops on grab a towel, phone, sunglasses, and a book to read when im not in the water.

When I got to the car I leaned on the closest persons shoulder and fell assleep for the trip. I feel like im being shook and I wake up to see tord carying me I throw myself out of his arms and land face first in the sand. My wings tiredly cover my body as I get up.

When I fineally got up enough to be awake, I wakled over to edd. And said, "can we get some ice cream PLLLEEAASSSSSS!" He laughs at my lazy ness and takes me to the idse cream parlor, right next to the beach. He gtot a pink icecream with a cone, while I got green mint. As we where walking bakck I hear mat scream holding a video camra and running away from tord and tom.

He threw me the camra and I flew up into the air and looked, and saw...this...picture.

I was dying

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I was dying. Where did tom get the ice cream? Then I looked a little to the left and screamed! I flew back down and tord was glaring at me as I giggled and held the camera I was right above tord, who is verry short, but tom snuck up behind me, grabed my leg and pulled me down grabbing the camra.

But I tripped him and grabbed the camera and flew really high. I got the picture out of the camra and flew behind edd and handed him the picture. He gasped and dropped his ice cream."I look terrerabull in this picture!" I tilted his head a bit to the left and he gasped and started laughing. Tord was running torard me and edd. I grabbed edds hoodie and flew in the sky. "AHHHA ok ok pleas PUT ME DOWN ON THE GROUND!!!!" Then I dropped the camra by accident. I dropped edd and grabbed the camra then edd was free falling to his death. I screamed and flew and grabbed him.

He was paler than I knew you could be he was shaking. The camra flew past me and I dropped edd AGAIN and he sorta passed out.i grabbed edd my the hood of his hoodie, and he was falling to fast, so he was taking me with him. I flapped my wings as hard at I sould. And when I fineally gort him to stop, he was a inch from the fround I sgh and dropped him. The I sence something comeing toward me and I used the sun ball to deflect it, it flew into space. And IT WAS THE CAMRA! "Nooooo" matt fake screamed. "Phew" tom sighes. "Yes yes yes yes!" Tord punped his fists in the air. Then I remember, edd has a coppie n his pocket.

I reach down grab the picture and fly to the house, lock all the doords  and go to bed.

I drew that, just for this chapter. Also thanks  nynyisnotonfire     for giving me the idea for wrighting this.bye

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