ch:3 the fight.

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I soon wake up to see in in bed, as a kitten, I sigh and go to my closet and open the door with my little kitten paw. I then close the door, and poof back into a human, naked. I grab some purple laced panties and a purple laced bra, and match that with a red crop top, and a black skirt. I then look at my long, long, long hair and have an idea.

After I get my hair into  pig tails, I figure out what im going to do today. Im going to tease someone. I go to the living room, and I sit next to tord, who blushes and looks at me. I smile and scoot really close to him. "Hey tord~" I say in a verry seductive voice. "H-hey hows it g-going.." ogh god, that accent. I giggle, and slip my tail around his "man hood" and start to move my tail on it, rubbing. I can tell he is trying to hold in his moans, so I rub harder. He lets out a tiny moan, so I sit on his lap and start to grind.

After. Little bit of this, I can tell he is close to cumming, so, I stop and sit back on the couch, not touching him at all. " heyy...I was close." He pouts. Its to funny. "Maybe next time." I then get off the couck, to go find tom. When I gor to his room, I knock, and hear a come in. I do and he blushes when he sees what im wearing.

"Hey tommy wommy" he blushes even harder and I giggle. I walk over to his bed, and start to do to same to tom, as I did tord. He moans instantly so, I sit on his lap, and grind. Hard. He puts his hands on my waist, so I cant get up. I smirk and slowly start to pull his pants, and boxers down. When I see is member, I instantly kitten lick the tip, its just what I do. I then take all of him in my mouth. He moans loudly.

When he gets close to cummin, I stop, kiss his cheek and leave. Right as I close his door, I hear his sigh in annoance. I go to find mat. But he is to inncent, so I just ask him to do my hair. He dosent even blush at what im wearing. So sweet. After a hour of makeup, hair, and mirrors, matt yawns and I lay him down, for a nap, kiss his head and leave.

I giggle as I go own stairs and see edd on his phone on the couch. I grb his all of 12 cans of cola, run upstairs, pour it all down the toilet, and put 5 cans in edds room, with out him notcing, and 7 in tords room he was assleep. I giggle as I run back down stairs, followed by matt, who had woken up from his nap.

I sit on the couch next to edd, who blused at what im wearing. Huh. He isent to inicent after all. I then ask his if he could get me a can of cola. "Dood....go get it your self." I groan "im to llaaaazzzzyyyyyyy!"  He sighs and gets up, I wait and hear, "WHO THE HELL TOOK ALL MY COLA"  I giggle and tell matt what I did. He giggles and nods. I see edd march up stairs.

When edd is comeing back down stairs, and had tord and tom by the ears, dragging them. "Ow, ow edd what are you doing" tord says, still in a daze. Edd ignores his complaints. "Lame" tom says going to get a drink of smirnoff but edd smacks it out of his hand. "Edd what the hell?!"

"WHO DID IT?!"  Edd yells at the top of his lungs. I cover my ears, and matt hugs me. I breath, and look up to see tom and tord aguring. And edd, looking scared. I uncover my ears to hear tord, and tom. " WHY ARE YOU BLAM MI NG ME YOU STUPIDE COMMMIE?" "BECUASE THE CANS WHERE IN YOUR ROOM TOM!!!" "THEIR WAS MORE IN YOURS THAN MINE"

I then watch in disbelife as tord draws a gun on tom, then, everything went into slow motion...* an. This pard sounds really depressing and quiet*  I jumped off the couch,  and jump in frount of tom but before I get hit I see everyones faces,  matts, filled with tears, edds scared, also crying, tords, angry, and not carying and tom,....his was hopeing, that I survive.

Everything went fast motion, as I see my life flash through my eyes.
I see a giggling baby, a mother and a father. I then see a car dryving away, while I lay on the gound, in the rain, next, im in the orphanage, and the last thing I see, is mine and midnights kiss. Then I just feel pain. Pain everywere. "NO!!!" edd screams.

The last thing I see....the last thing I feel, the a sad emotion, edd looking at me, and a tear, dropping down my cheek, then.


Edds pov before the shooting.

I see amy covering her ears and im about to make the guys shut up, I see tord draw a gun, and shokt, then I watch in diselife as amy jumps from the couch, and get hit with the bullet, not tom. Mat screams and I yell out no...I rush over and a tear drips off my sheek, and onto hers as she closes her eyes. And. Her. Heart. Stops. "NOOOOOOOO"  I hear something hit the floor, I look up to see tord has dropped the gun, and covers his mouth with hids hands, tars flowing.

"...get...out." im quiet, my emotions not working well. "What?" He says in disbelife. "I SAID GET OUT!!!!" I shoot up and push him to the wall and look at him with the meanest stair I could muster. "Just.....leave." "bu-" "NO BUTS NOW GET OUT BEFORE I DO SOMETHING I WILL REGREAT!" I yell as I start throwing stuff at him.

Sad time skip.

Amys, pov.

All I see is dark ness. Nothing. No light. "Hello? Is anyone there" all I hear is a echoed version of what I said. i then hear a voise. "Hello amy. Dont be afraid. Im here to help. Your friends miss you alot. I gasp as I see edd throwing stuff at tord, screaming at him. "Why cant I move?" "Becuase your dead." cant be... "can I go back?" I then see a girl, she has wings. "Yes. But you are no longer a neko, but a angle, I gasp as my ears and tail, go away, but are replaced with wings. "You also have the power of the sun. Lift your hand and inaged a ball of light" I do, and a little ball apears, I throw my arm, like I was throwing a ball, and the light flew the way I threw it. "You need. To train. Try to fly." I flap my wings, and flutter a little bit. The lady smiles at me.

After a week of training, witch was 7 seconds in the read world, I was fineally ready. "Go pick your outfit for your retern."  I nod, and put on a gream color dress, with litle traces of gold, on the sleaves, and the bottom. When I reurn, she says, "close your eyes, and imagen where you want to be then you will be there" I do so, but before I leave I ask who she is, "your mother." She says as she dissipears. ?...what.....I sigh and close my eyes, and imaged being up stairs, and when I open them, im there. I slowly walk down stairs, to hear matt say "edd! Amys body just dissipeared!!!" Edd dosent listen and keeps throwing stuff at tord.

I walk down stairs, and matt sees me first. He rushes over and hugs me as hard as he can. Edd dosent notice and keeps hitting tom, with stuff. Tom, sees me and hugs me and thanks me for saving him. I walk up behind edd. And tab his shoulder. "Go away matt."  I tap him a gain, and he stops throwing stuff and breaks down on the floor crying. He picks up a vase and chucks it at tord. I groul and use the power telekinesis to stop the think he threw at tord, who was on the floor.

Edd, slowly turns around. With wide eyes, and hugs me. i hug him back. Tord groans, and I go over to him, and grab his shirt. And pull him up. His eyes widen and he starts apologizing. I dont listen. He has the guts to then glair at me. The plave where I gor shot, then feels like its being stbbed with a hot knife. I scream and drop him, my wings curl around me. Tom rushed over to me and edd grabd tord by the hood of his hoodie, and kicks him out side. The pain stops and I stand back up.

"How-" I shush edd with a raise of my hand. I explain everything.

Hey guys thanks for reading my c chain apters, remember , a chapter a day, keeps the anzitie away. But this chapter is a little speacual, becuase I wrote it like 12 FRECKING TIMES!!!!! Weelllbyyeeeeee.

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