Chapter 3

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Dear Harry,

I saw you today. You were with her. I slept in, probably later than I should have, which is why I went to the coffee shop an hour later than I normally do. I guess you didn't think I would get my coffee that late, but there we were. You weren't smiling. I don't think I've seen you that unhappy. Maybe I have. Maybe when we broke up.
She is pretty. She is only pretty. In her eyes, you could see, she doesn't love you. At least not the way I loved you. She looked at you with lust and greed. She is using you harry, but you are to broken to see that. I could sit back and watch her hurt you. Watch someone else hurt you like you hurt me. I can't harry. I can't do that though. You are already broken. Not because of me, but because of what you did to yourself. You let me go harry. You're blind now. You once saw love, but you let it go. Now all you see is how pretty someone is, and their body. Harry take of your blinds, Open your eyes, and look around. Maybe then you will see what you lost.
          When I saw you at the coffee shop I couldn't just stay. I had to leave. I could sit a table, and watch you and some girl you hardly know suck each other's faces off. I went to the only other coffee shop in town. I tried to find somewhere else, but I couldn't. I went to the little coffee shop that housed our first date. As much as I wanted to cry I didn't. I ordered my coffee. The same one I got when we came here together. This time I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cash, but no one was there to stop me from paying. No, you were at the other coffee shop, with her, I don't even think you noticed I came in.
             I sat at a table by this couple. Oh, they reminded me so much of how we were. They were laughing so much. He would slyly take a picture of her, compliment her, and tease her. You did the same. I miss that. Maybe she'll make you happy. Maybe you can tease her the same way you teased me.
             I couldn't watch the couple for another second, not unless I wanted to breakdown and cry in front  of the entire cafe. I started walking back to my apartment. I walked past the park, only to see you again. You were on the bench. Not our bench, no you could never bring someone else to our bench, but you were singing. I've always loved your voice. Not because it was an amazingly beautiful better than Shawn Mendes voice, no, but because it once belonged to me. You would sing our song to me. You would sing while I would be stressed to make me calm down, or when your dancing didn't work. You could see the disgust in her eyes. She didn't like it when you sang. She doesn't appreciate you like I did. She isn't worth it harry, but you're not going to be able to see that until it's to late.
            You know I never realized how dull the world looks when you are not in it. Everything kind of looses its meaning. All the colors are lost in the wind, and all the beautiful sounds of nature are drowned out by all the sorrow and hate. While I was on my way home, picking out how everything had changed so much, I got catcalled. I wanted to turn around and say some  smart-ass response, but I couldn't. I just kept walking. That made me think. What would've happened if you were there? You probably would've beat the shit out of that guy. But you were at the park singing to someone who doesn't really care.
             When I got back to my apartment I got a phone call. Tom had called me. He asked me how I have been. He said he hadn't seen me out in a while, since I cried in front of paddy. Tom called me because Tom actually cares. Tom is like the older brother I never had. During the phone call he told me that even if I wasn't a part of your life, that I would always be a part of his family. He said that I was the best sister he could've asked for. That made my day. Tom made me smile today. I haven't smiled since... Well since we were still in love. Who is to say I'm not in love with you. Who's to say you're not in love with me. Everything is against us right now. You're against us right now, but I'm against the world. I'm all alone harry. It's just me against the world, and it's all your fault.
            A few days ago a guy tried to get my number. He tried to ask me out, but I've built walls. I've built a wall around my heart, stronger than captain americas shield. Nothing can break through the wall. Nothing except for you. You broke down my walls the first time, but I won't make that mistake again. I've rebuilt them, stronger and thicker than before. Nothing can break them down this time.

No longer yours truly,

Letters to Harry; harry HollandWhere stories live. Discover now