No, I did not forget the Insanely Cool JARED KLEiNMAN!!!!!!!!™

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Jared was in the hospital, with a cup of orange juice and a chocolate chip cookie, even though he didn't feel like eating anything. He was holding a book, even though he didn't feel like reading anything. He was just so numb.

Then she came. Her short dark hair caught the sunlight. Her checkered skirt swayed around he long legs. Her denim coat loosely floating around her. Her smile shone with such warmth and comfort Jared felt himself let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when Christine Canigula entered the room.

She was worried, but still had a glowing angelic aura that seemed to make all the clouds in the sky go away. A faint blush traced her cheeks. A faint blush that seemed to deepen when she reached out to hold his hand.

"Hey, Jared. I wanted to... stop by, and say hello... I missed you. So... how are you doing...?"

Jared almost laughed. "I feel like shit."

"I'm sorry..." Christine said quite sincerely, looking at her shoes.

"N-no, you're fine." Jared smiled. "I just... I guess I needed to do something like that."

She smiled, blushing slightly. "We've missed you... Jared."

Jared looked into her brown eyes. They were beautiful. Jared shook it off quickly. What was he even thinking?

She looked into his eyes too.

There was this electrifying moment of warmth that coursed through Jared, flying down his spine.

What was it?

Christine noticed Jared. He was looking at her, in her eyes. Did he like her? No, he didn't. She heard him say earlier, he will never love me like I love him.

'He' of course was not her.

She looked into his eyes, just in case there was really something there.

There was nothing.

She looked away quickly, feeling numb and cold. 

Of course.

She smiled and nodded. "Well, goodbye, Jared. I hope you get better."

Jared smiled. "Me too."

And he meant it.

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