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Mingyu threw himself into the corridor, thinking about all the places wonwoo could've wanted to go.

Fed up as he was, wonwoo's a very logical person... so if he'd get his clothes wet, he'd probably head back to his room to change into dry clothes first before doing anything else.

All mingyu had to do was to catch up to wonwoo before he reached his room. If he's late, wonwoo probably wouldn't budge from his dorm.

Mingyu clambered up the stairs, his long legs climbing three at a time.

When he reached the top, mingyu was panting. He ran down the corridor.

The person he'd been looking for was just infront of him, walking briskly and running a hand through his wet hair. He was panting too. And he hadn't noticed that there was someone else behind him.

Mingyu caught up with him in a few quick strides.


The person in question walked even faster.

"Wonwoo stop."

He didn't.

Mingyu grabbed his wrist.


Wonwoo turned around, avoiding mingyu's gaze.

"Leave me alone."

"After you tell me what that was all about."

"No. I can't."

"Why ?"

"It wasn't even my idea. Soonyoung just dragged me into your dormㅡ i didn't even do anything."

"But you want to tell me something ?"

Wonwoo bit his lip. "I... do," he stared at the marble tiles on the floor. "for the longest time, i have, but not now."

Wonwoo gripped the edge of his hoodie, scrunching it up in his fist. His knuckles were pale.

"Now... i can't."

Mingyu looked at him in confusion.

"Mingyu, i can't. I-i'm sorry."

And wonwoo ran.

He ran before mingyu could catch up. He ran as mingyu's pleas for him to stop echoed behind him.

He didn't stop.

He couldn't. If he did, he didn't know if he could face mingyu again and not say the words "i love you". He didn't know if mingyu would even want to see him anymore after this. Maybe it was the best that he doesn't.

He couldn't risk dragging mingyu into this. He couldn't lose the only person who cared. Who understood. The only person whom he loved.

His legs didn't stop moving until he was in his dorm, door locked.

He shut his eyes.

Inferno's words echoed in the dark.

"You don't have a weakness. Not one that i know of, at least."

Wonwoo can't let him know that this weakness existed.

And that it was a boy named kim mingyu.


sorry for the short ass chapter im hella busy rn and this book is getting so angsty smh im sorry i feel so fucking lonely these days idek my mood is just shit :/

anyway hope you're not like me and ur having the best day today :') and ofc pls remember that you're loved always !! and that im always here for you ♡♡♡

yx :')

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