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hope you'll enjoy this long 1400+ word chapter ahead !!)



Junhui panted as he got off from the treadmill. When he checked his phone, he realised that he had received a mass-message from the management.

Attention all mass-message recipients. This is a group mission. You are to report to the management office by 2200 to meet your team members, receive instructions and your gear. All the best.

ㅡ Agent Management Head,
  The Government

Junhui felt excited. Sure, he's already had team missions before, but he hoped his team members were his friends, so it wouldn't be so awkward and they would definitely work together well.

Also partly because he wanted to see minghao. And kickass together with him on his first team mission.

Well, it kind of depended on what kind of mission it was, but usually team missions were large-scaled infiltration projects (to attack directly at enemy headquarters).

So this has got to be the big stuff.

Junhui left the gym and went back to his dorm for a shower before heading towards the office, hoping to see a familiar face when he reaches.



Even though he was more or less on time, everyone else have already assembled at the office.

And as it turned out, everyone who was involved in this mission were in the squad.

The first person who greeted jun when he opened the office door was wonwoo. Followed by all the field agents and cyber agents. Only minghao and mingyu were nowhere to be seen.

Seeing his lost and confused expression, wonwoo filled him in on the situation.

1) mingyu was held hostage by the gild.
2) they're assigned to be the team to infiltrate the gild headquarters and eliminate the leader, inferno.
3) and of course also to get mingyu back.
4) nothing happened to minghao, he was just not here yet.

Wonwoo said the last point with a sharp stab of coldness in his voice.

Jun was puzzled. Weren't the two close ? Did something happen between them ?

Just when junhui was about to give the missing boy a call, minghao stumbled into the room, panting.

All heads turned to the chinese boy who explained why he was late.

"Oh my god i'm sorry. I just had a nap and i only woke up five minutes ago." minghao said simply. "I'm really sorry."

Jun squeezed minghao's arm reassuringly and smiled at him, as if saying 'its okay'.

The management head cleared his throat. "So, gentlemen. Shall we not waste any more time and get started on the mission briefing ?"

Everyone nodded and followed him, sitting down at a long table before the head started talking.

So technically this was the mission plan :
1) they split up into field and cyber groups, with the cyber agents guiding the field agents from government HQ
2) field agents break into the gild's HQ, split up again into teams 1 and 2.
3) team 1 (seungcheol, soonyoung and chan) will get through to inferno and capture him, either dead or alive.
4) team 2 (wonwoo, jun and minghao) will find mingyu and get him out safely.

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