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Wonwoo went rigid.

He had never expected seokmin to be the one to find out.

The book, wonwoo finally realised. He must've read the last page.

"So... that means you are ?" seokmin pressed on.

Wonwoo didn't give his head permission to move, but somehow he could feel it nod.

"It's okay man. Nothing to be ashamed of. Its all good," seokmin told the older, moving to sit beside him and patted his back.

Then it was silence again.

"Its... mingyu."

It was wonwoo who broke it this time.

He could've stayed quiet, but he chose to say it.

"Oh," was all seokmin said. He guessed it to mingyu as well. It wasn't as if wonwoo had a huge social circle. He didn't want to ask wonwoo who he was gay for, if wonwoo doesn't want him to know. It's fine. But he was surprised when wonwoo told him on his own accord.

"It becomes a little easier when you say it out loud, doesn't it ?" seokmin remarked, with just a hint of a smile on his face.

Wonwoo nodded, agreeing. Telling someone was like lifting a huge weight off his shoulders.

"You... plan to confess ?" seokmin asked.

Wonwoo shook his head.

"Okay. But he might've read the last page too, you know," seokmin said.

"The lasㅡ oh my god," wonwoo buried his face in his hands.

"Hey hey. Don't jump into conclusions yet. I'll ask him if he did, okay ?" seokmin said, trying to pry wonwoo's face out of his hands.

The boy nodded, but still refusing to look up.

"Just now...in the library.." he mumbled, his voice muffled from behind his hands.

"In the library ?"

"Yes. Mingyu. He..." wonwoo sputtered out, "kissed me."

Seokmin widened his eyes in shock.

"My god... yall made out ?!? IN THE LIBRARY ??!?" seokmin screeched.

"No no nooo," wonwoo looked up in alarm, almost wanting to strangle the younger for telling all his neighbours he made out with someone in the library. "Kissed. On the cheek."

"Oh !" seokmin said, smiling in amusement, "But dude ! He still kissed you."

"I don't think it was what you think it is, seokmin," wonwoo sounded defeated.

"How do you know ? Maybe he's gay for you as well," seokmin nudged wonwoo playfully.

"I...don't think so. He's never shown interest in guys."

Seokmin frowned. "Well no harm confessing though."

"...maybe i will. Just maybe."



Wonwoo's phone vibrated.

It was a message from the management.

Agent TR903,

A mission has been assigned to you as of 050218.

You are to go undercover in enemy headquarters as one of their new recruits. Your task is to obtain information on the the terrorist group's resources, ammunition, and all their weaponry available at hand.

Official mission commences at 2145, be at Management Office by 2100 to collect your gear, specific instructions and mission pass.

All the best and we anticipate your mission's success.

ㅡ Agent Management Head,
The Government

It was 8.40pm.

Wonwoo had a quick shower and rushed off towards the office.

He was a little tentative about this mission, having ruined the last one.

His mind had cleared a little, and the weight of anxiety he had been carrying had been lifted.

Well, partially. Memories of mingyu in the library still linger in his mind, refusing to be tucked away somewhere in his mind where wonwoo would never find it again.

Even though it was just a quick peck, he could still feel the ghost of mingyu's soft lips on his left cheek, his touch lingering on wonwoo's skin.

Wonwoo shook off the feeling, focusing on the mission he had been assigned.

As skilled as he was, it was the first time he had been given an undercover mission. These missions were usually for older, more experienced agents.

Wonwoo guessed that he had been given this task because the terrorist group the government was dealing with now is mostly made up of skilled youths around his age. He was the perfect replacement for the original recruit he was about to track down and ambush, and make the recruit's identity his own.

After meeting his supervisor at the office, his thoughts were confirmed.

He grabbed his backpack filled with gear and clothes and left HQ, determined to focus on the mission this time as he disappeared into the night, a shadow in the dark.


heyy happy lunar new year to all who celebrate !! hope yall have a good holiday and eat and rest well this new year ♡

yx ^-^

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