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Wonwoo was glad that he still had his personal belongings with him. Did inferno overlook that ? Or is it also some other trap ?

Either way though, his phone probably wasn't of much use at the moment in this room. There's no internet, line or radio connection in here, considering the fact that inferno wasn't stupid and that his connection with HQ was unsurprisingly cut off once he entered the room. He had to get out of here to contact HQ.

Wonwoo slipped his hand into his hoodie pocket, sliding across the smooth handle of his revolver, glad that he remembered to bring one along. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't use it on inferno. It will be of other uses later.

He watched as inferno got up from his seat.

"I shall take my leave. As for you though, you're not going anywhere." was all he said before he left through the door on his side of the room.

Wonwoo looked around.

If he can't get past the invisible wall, that means he had to get out from where he came in from.

In the sudden silence, buzzing of electricity from the cameras in the room became loud enough for wonwoo to even pinpoint their exact location.

He was obviously being watched, so he had to be quick to make his move.

Wonwoo eyed the exit. The sliding metal door didn't have a hinge, but it did have a visible lock.

And that just made his job easier.

He got up from his seat, backed a few feet away from the door, and fired.


Minghao received a call from his roommate as alarms sounded throughout the building.

"Minghao- i need help."

"What's going on ?" minghao could hear frantic footsteps of his roommate on the other line.

"Uh..." wonwoo mumbled through the phone. "How do i get out of here ?"

"Why-" minghao got cut off as an announcement was played through the intercomm.

"Attention all guards on duty. Dangerous subject of class 5 is on the run. Firearmed lone male in his 20s, tall, brown hair, in all black. Block off all exits. I repeat. Block off all exits. No one leaves until the area is clear."

Wonwoo heard it too. "You heard that. I'm after the guy. He's probably out already."

Minghao widened his eyes in disbelief. "You're sent after him ? He's a class 5 agent ! That's like, the highest skill level."

"And ?" wonwoo replied impatiently.

"And you just got recruited ??"

"I'm a class 5 too." wonwoo replied matter-of-factly. It was the truth, after all. "So, just please, help me out."

"Oh wow. Uh, where are you right now ?"

"The third row of dorms."

"Okay, i'm coming."

Wonwoo panicked. Minghao's coming along ?

"Wait no-"

Minghao ended the call.

Wonwoo ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. No, minghao can't tag along with him while he's trying to escape back to the Governemnt HQ. How would he explain the whole situation to him then ?

He barely knew the other boy. Even though he seemed really trusting, his loyalties still lie with the Gild. Wonwoo bit his lip as he thought about needing to knock minghao out after they leave to make matters simpler. He didn't want to hurt the boyㅡ he had been anything but nice to him since they met, but things like this have to be done.

Wonwoo shifted uneasily as he waited for minghao. The HQ wasn't exactly huge. Even though he got past some of the guards just now, it wouldn't take long before they found him again.

"Woojin !"

Wonwoo almost forgot the name of the person he killedㅡ the name he has to answer to now.

Wonwoo turned to see minghao running towards him down the corridor. The boy was unarmed, and he looked like he just left the dorm the moment he hung up.

He caught up to wonwoo and eyed the gun in his hand nervously. "Where'd you get that ?"

"They gave it to me." wonwoo answered simply.

Minghao seemingly unconvinced, decided to not ask any more questions and just started running again, gesturing wonwoo to follow as he turned down the other side of the hallway. Wonwoo gratefully followed.

They somehow managed to avoid getting seen by the guards, and they arrived at the lift unscathed.

But there were, of course, guards waiting for them there.

They seemed to recognise wonwoo as they approached them, and lunged forward, guns ready to fire.

Minghao panicked. "No wait-"

Wonwoo pushed minghao behind him and aimed the revolver at the four men blocking their way.

"Theres no time to explain the situation to them. Is there a staircase ?" wonwoo whispered.

Minghao stared at the other boy, wide-eyed. "Yes. But its probably locked."

Wonwoo smiled. "Better than wasting time getting past them. On the count of one, two..."

"Three." minghao finished and they bolted towards the door to the stairway a few feet away. They could hear footstepsㅡ as well as gunshotsㅡ echo behind them.

The metal door was locked, but its hinges hung open after geting two shots from wonwoo's gun.

The two boys scrambled through the busted doorway and up the stairs. The steps felt like they would never end, and the stuffy air in the stairway wasn't helping the situation.

"Why did you even agree to help me ?" wonwoo asked between pants, suddenly curious.

"I trust you." minghao answered simply.

"More than what the Gild tells you ?"

Minghao slowed down. "What ?"

Wonwoo looked behind at him as they continued to climb. "The Gild didn't exactly announce that i'd be the one hunting the person down."

"So are you ?"

The air felt lighterㅡ the exit was near.

"No." Wonwoo replied as he opened the door. "I'm the one that's being hunted."

Minghao stopped short. "Wha-"

"Sorry." wonwoo winced inwardly as he slammed the butt of his revolver on the back of minghao's head.


wow so minghaos going back with wonwoo well,,,

anyway im sorry if i made some logical mistakes in this chapter im not really into action movies i dont know much about this kinda stuff lol dont even ask me why i decided to make a secret agent au

hope u will have a great week ahead and that everything will turn out perfect for u ♡♡♡

yx :))

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