Chapter 23

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I remember being awoken by a loud buzzard.

Then the feeling of air rushing past me. I began to flail around when realizing that I was sliding down inside some kind of black tube. It was to dark to really know what I was in but knew that it was leading me one way. Down. Where to? Who knows.

   A light at the end of the tube was getting closer and closer, brighter and brighter. I began to prepare for whatever was going to come at the end.

   Hopefully nothing is as bad as what I've been through already. Maybe it won't be bad.

I finally reached the end of the tube and landed with a hard thump! I grunted when landing on the cold metal surface.

Gosh dang it! What's up with people and metal cages? A swoosh sound came from behind and I turned to see the tube I came from was now blocked off. Great. A loud laughing cane from around the corner but couldn't see a thing with the wall.

My eyes averted to the rest of my surroundings outside the cage. Was I in some kind of under ground lab bunker?

On the other side of the room was another person in a cage. She looked familiar. Blonde hair. Empty brown eyes. Worn down doctor sort of clothes.'s the woman from my dream! So that means...

   I turned to see that I wasn't the only one in the cage. There was someone laying down with their back facing me, sleeping. I got a closer look to see...

   "Sabine!" I rejoiced seeing the tempered girl. I woke her up accidentally when shouting her name. Oops.

   "Sabine, am I so glad to see-"

   A sudden force collided with my face, making me fall back against the bars hard. I held my nose and felt a liquid running down from it. Blood. Looking up, Sabine's teeth were clenched in anger and her hand was tightly in a fist. Her face flushed red and boiled with rage.

   She walked over to me and grabbed a handful of my sweatshirt, pushing me harder against the bars. Eyes filled with a burning hatred.

   "YOU MONSTER! FREAK!" She yelled, pulling and pushing me hard against the metal bars. My head collided with the bars repeatedly and started to pound with a headache.

   "Sabine! What are you doing?" I asked, anger filling me.


   I was taken back by her words. What was she talking about?

   She punch me again and I clattered to the floor.

   "I don't know what you're talking about!" I shouted back.

   She laughed but there was nothing funny about it. "I thought we could trust you. I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!"

   My mind was scrambled and trying to comprehend what she was saying. I was confused and my head having been hit against the hard metal did not help.

   She continued, "I was right the whole time. You are an untrustworthy, PARASITE THAT JUST CAUSES MORE TROUBLE LIKE EVERY OTHER TEENAGE BOY ON THIS EARTH!"

   She huffed before kicking me in the side hard. I held onto my side and gasped for air as the pain throbbed through my head and down to my side.

   She looked down at me neutrally and coldly. Her words stung horribly but the last thing she said finally got to me.

   "And I thought the Infected were the worst monsters that were created," she scoffed, "My mistake. Though you're the walking and talking definition of one." Sabine turned and walked back to her spot in a huff, sitting in the farthest corner of the cage.

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