Chapter 42

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   "WHAT?" I yelled after letting the information process through my head.

Hera sighed then explained, "Sabine took us back to the last place you two saw him. When we got there, the only evidence we found was a note in Kallus's hand writing and saying he has Kanan."

The Empire has him. THE EMPIRE HAS MY KANAN!

"We need to get him back," I said. Hera shook her head 'no.'

"He sacrificed himself to keep you both safe and I expect you to honor that decision," she said, sternly. Disbelief flooded my eyes as I stared into her green ones. She didn't really mean it. She out of everyone here wants to desperately get him back.

"You don't really feel that way," I said, flatly.

"Ezra, we are in a war. We just got to let him...let him go," she said, quietly. I could tell she was acting strong and trying not to break down. How dare she even say those words? Glaring at her, I was about to walk out of the room.

A hand stopped me, resting on my shoulder. Looking from the side of my eye, I could see Zeb. We both walked out of the room and down the hall.

"What?" I said, still angry.

"Kid, stop it. Do you know how hard this is on Hera?" He questioned.

"Of course I do! He was my friend and she just wants to toss him into the Empire's dirty trash bin!" I snapped. Zeb raised an eyebrow before saying, "But Hera loves him."

"Then why isn't she doing anything?" I asked, demandingly.

"So she can protect us!" He snapped back.

"I don't need no protection. I am fully capable being on my own like I did on the streets!"

"That's just it. You aren't alone anymore and there are people who truly care about what happens to you," he said, poking me in the chest. I paused a bit surprised before my anger returned.

   "Do you know what it feels like when someone close to you gets hurt and you can't do anything about it? I've had to live with that feeling my whole life!" I shouted, eyebrows narrowed. He clenched his teeth and growled like an animal.

   "Don't you even dare speak to me like that! This isn't a contest on who has the worst life! I think we can all agree we have been deep in some messed up stuff. You don't need to rub it in our faces! We already get enough of that from the Empire," Zeb huffed, glaring me down coldly.

   I stared wide eyed at him with guilt. I said to much and I can't take back. Sorry won't cut it but there was no need to say anything after he walked around me and left. I stayed frozen to my spot and looked at my hands.

   "They don't care about you. You are nothing but a pest to them. Hurt them."

   "The only one hurting them is you so shut up for once in your life and leave me alone," I said, monotone. I felt a tug on my sleeve and saw Rey with the same blank look.

   "He cares, like your other friend," she said.

   "Like you taught me."

   A small smile grew on my face before disappearing when seeing the yellow eyed monster. I wasn't the only one looking at him either.

   "You can see my friend?" Rey asked and I nodded.

   "He's not your friend. He's just using you," I said, making sure she was safe behind me. Who knows what that shadow did to her mind. It was very convincing entity but I learned to not trust that voice a long time ago. To tune it out and listen to the other voices. My parent's voices.

"But he's really nice," she argued.

"He's pretending, trying to get you to do his bidding for his cause only. He doesn't really care about you, Rey, just whatever he needs to use you for," I said, feeling bad for the little girl. I was basically telling her that probably her only friend was using her innocence against her.

My eyes never left the Puppet Master's before I picked up Rey and walked away. Still I felt those cold eyes watch even as I disappeared around the corner. She didn't say a word as I carried her away to the main room. Her head rested on my shoulder and didn't look up.

I hope Ahsoka in alone with someone I don't know. It'll make it easier to give Rey into good hands to watch her. Even though I am the only ones who can see the real danger. Ahsoka's presence would be enough to comfort me knowing Rey had someone watching over her.

That was until I was stopped in the hall by Sabine.

"What are you doing?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Taking her to Ahsoka. Do you know where she may be?" I asked. Sabine narrowed her eyes, studying me very closely like when we first met. I think she could tell that there was something going on.

"I know where she is but you need to tell me what's going on and why Zeb looked really mad," She said, crossing her arms.

"You won't believe me if I told you and I really regret that conversation. I'm letting cool down before I apologize and that's all that I can tell you," I explained.

"What won't I believe?" She questioned further. I mentally groaned and wished she would just let it go.

"If you get to keep your own secrets then I'm keeping mine. You wouldn't even understand what Rey or I going through-" I immediately stopped. Me and my big mouth.

"What does Rey have to do with this?" She asked before glancing over to the said child.

"Nothing," I said. It wasn't like I knew every detail either on what's going on between the two of us. There is something, a connection in sorts that I can't explain that we share. As if our fates were the same.

"I'm not trying to pester on your life. I'm trying to help you to make things easier," Sabine said.

"I know but you...just, never mind. I'm going," I said. Rey suddenly lifted her head and turned to look at Sabine. I was surprised to see her red face and tears trailing down her cheeks with occasional sniffles. How did I not notice her crying?

"What happened?" Sabine asked Rey. I held my breath a little when hearing her answer.

"E-Ezra s-said that my f-friend is p-pretending to b-be m-y friend f-for his own c-cause," Rey answered.

Sabine turned to me sternly and asked, "Ezra, explain, now."


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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