Chapter 37

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   "What?" I asked, shocked like I didn't believe her words. My eyes landed on Hera. How does...? How does she know? How do they both know?

   "Ezra, relax and let us explain," Hera said. I didn't calm down but did my best to not to overreact.

   "Remember this?" Hera asked, removing her googles and brushing her bangs back. The scar of the scratch marks was revealed.

   "Yeah," I said.

   "I never told you how it healed," she said.

"My father was to busy with work to pay attention to me. So, I ran away from my home after the day that changed everything. I was cornered by an Infected in an alleyway and it was able to scratch me. I'm not sure why, but it suddenly ran off and left me to change. I thought I was a goner until a guy came and somehow healed my wound. He told me his name was Ephraim Bridger. He saved my life that day and I believe that you can save more with your powers."

I was completely taken back by this news. Hera met my father but more importantly, was healed and okay?

"H-how?" I asked.


"I thought that, too," she spoke, honestly.

I just couldn't believe it. Healing. Healing is...that's it! That's the other part of the cure that Cornelius was looking for! He needs me! I'm the last ingredient! I'm the cure! To heal the wound and seal it then it could fix all the Infected.

"Your father..." Ahsoka started and I looked at her. She wore the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"He was a Torgruta. I was on the same ship with him when we fled our planet."

"Why did he keep it a secret from me? Wait, you knew my dad?" I question. She nodded.

"Yeah, we were very good friends and I knew he was close to Mira but I thought that was a cover-up. I didn't know that they were married and had a children."

I sighed. All this information was a lot to take in and that's when it hit me.

"So...does that mean...I'm a Togruta too?" I asked.

"Part," Ahsoka answered softly.

"You're mother was a human."

I nodded, not sure what to think of my parents anymore. I've learned more about them on the trip than when living with them. A lot of my questions being answered for the first time in a long time. Pieces finally fitting into there rightful places. I felt an arm wrap around me in a side hug.

"Are you okay?" Hera asked.

"I-" I paused when feeling a tear roll down my cheek. I felt so choked up.

"I miss them," I admitted. Hera gently leaned my head down onto her shoulder. I didn't fight and soaked in the comfort she offered. I sniffled a couple of times but didn't cry.

I felt a tug on my sleeve and moved my head a little to see the little girl.

"My name is Rey," she spoke shyly and handed me a folded paper. I took it and sat up straight, rubbing my eyes before unfolding the paper. I was a bit embarrassed that a Ahsoka and Rey saw me almost cry but brushed it off like it didn't happen. My eyes scanned the paper.

There was a black figure and a girl, who I'm guessing is Rey.

"That's my friend," she said, pointing at the figure. I looked at the figure closer and...oh no. My eyes widen when seeing the yellow eyes of the childish drawling. Rey went back to the table she was coloring at and I watched her carefully.

She knew...him.


I snapped back into the real world and looked up at Hera.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I cleared my throat and folded the paper, tucking it in my pocket.

"It's nothing," I said, forcing a smile. She didn't seem to believe me.

"C-can I go now?" I asked.

   "One more question," she said. I nervously nodded.

   "Do you know where Kanan is?"

   I felt my heart leap up into my throat and hesitated. I completely forgot about him! I opened my mouth but nothing came out so instead I ducked my head, shaking it.

   "He...he was left behind to protect us," I told her. She grimaced but nodded, worried for the man. I quietly stood up and walked out of the room without looking back.

   I saw Zeb and Sabine talking in a corner and decided to join them. Before I could make it over, Sabine walked away with a look I couldn't decipher. I wonder what they were talking about?

   "Hey, Zeb," I waved and the man grinned, patting my back.

   "It's good to see you still alive in this fiasco," he joked. I rolled my eyes but smiled anyways.

   "So what were you and Sabine talking about?" I asked.

   "Oh...uh," Zeb scratched the back of his neck.

   "That woman that came with you. I think I may know her," he said. I looked up at the man with shock engraved on my face.

   "You know, Tua?" I questioned, glancing over at the spot where the said woman was sitting. Zeb nodded.

   "Yeah...she mysteriously came out of nowhere and lived in my village then vanished during the attack," he said.

   "We were actually friends."

   "What happened?" I asked. He shrugged.

   "Nothing. After the attack, we never saw each other again until now. Honestly, I thought she died along with her child."

   I looked up at Zeb when hearing that little bit of information at the end. Tua had a child! Was that why she was so monotone all the time? Was that why she seemed worried about me, out of old instincts? She had lost her kid during the massacre.

   "How do you know this?" I asked, wanting to know more. I knew I shouldn't pry and that it wasn't for Zeb to tell curiosity was getting the best of me at the moment.

   Yet, it didn't seem like Zeb was up for explaining. He grew silent and stared off into space in...regret?

   "There are some things..." he began, deeply.

   "That should stay better left unsaid."

   He walked away, leaving me flabbergasted. What could he possibly mean? Was it really that bad? Now, I was really worried and wondered if...

   Zeb was the one that killed Tua's child.


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