Chapter Six

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It was the middle of the night and Ailyn didn't get a chance to sleep yet. Her body was jerked into a powerful embrace by Keiren. Its strength alone caged around her, pulling in. The tip of her nose brushed to his chest and the scent of him proved to be surprisingly comforting. Crisp like snow and the tiniest hint of citrus.

What is this scent?  

When she tried to move herself the arm squeezed in protest.

Guess that is a no on getting free.

She tried again but to no avail. Instead she got something else. A simple whisper that slipped past his lips, one she almost didn't catch.


Shifting about he hugged her in, rumbling like a large bear not wanting to be awoken from its hibernation. She was trapped and now utterly confused.

Did he just whisper someone's name? Alana? She thought perplexed.

For some reason that wasn't sitting well within her. The ping in her heart was proof of that. There was no point in asking since Keiren looked dead asleep, but now her mind was running a thousand miles per second. It felt like hours to how many times she said, Who is Alana? Why did he call out for her?

The repeating of questions came over and over until her brain forced a shutdown. Her eyes starting to close as if to force the decision. She needed to sleep. The body was already pushed past the point of exhaustion.

Her dreams wouldn't be merciful though.


"Why...Gods, why?" she could hear the voice crying out all around her. Ailyn stood in the center of darkness with nothing but a single spotlight overhead. The light so bright she couldn't see past it.

"You bitch! Slut! How disgusting!" More voices chimed in. Who was that? They began a harmony of insults that started to grow. A sudden chill hit against her skin before something began taking shape in the darkness. Two beaded red eyes became visible. Ailyn froze and suddenly her whole body was shoved violently to the ground.

Lips parted wide on her holler... but no sound released.

I can't scream?

A shadow covered her without warning and fists rained like a storm, slamming down everywhere in a thunder of intensity. Clothing ripped, pain scorched over her body, and the taste of blood filled her mouth. No matter how hard she tried to shriek, begging for help, her voice wouldn't make a sound. Tears spilled like a flood, distorting the red-eyed attacker she couldn't fend off.

"Get away from me!" Again her lips moved but she couldn't hear herself.

The pain in her stomach was the worst thing of all. It was stabbing but dull, like a thick pipe shoved straight through without the decency of a pointed tip. Her hands moved frantically to try and protect that area. She had to; something told her to —No! Something inside of her demanded to!

It hurts! Please stop!

The voices echoed into laughter, pleased by her agony. Their sounds slowly becoming distorted the longer she endured. Combinations of tones began to sound like it were melting all around her hauntingly.  Some were of cries with others of screams. It became so loud that it gave her an overwhelming sense of nausea.

 Her head snapped back against the floor. Warm sensations of blood pooled around like a crimson halo. A banging noise began to vibrate up from the distance. It was getting louder...and louder. Her eardrums were hurting; a blinding light burned at her eyes before—

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