Chapter 1

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Changing up the story line a bit x

A New Beginning

6;17 pm

The ER was as busy as ever and to add to it in came TC Callahan, the trauma doctor, wheeling in a patient.

''You got real lucky with that branch.'' Hank, one of his colleagues said.

''Luck had nothing to do with it Hank.'' TC replied while removing his gloves.

''Heard about it over dispatch.'' Jordan Alexander, his ex-stated. ''Hell of a way to start your shift.''

''Not my first choice.'' He replied pulling a bloody shirt over his head.

''You look like crap.'' The female doctor continued.

''Pulling a tree out of a stomach can be messy'' TC replied placing his new scrub top over his head.

''I meant your face.'' She quickly replied. '' Are you fighting again ?'' She questioned.

''I didn't start this one'' He promised as he walked behind the nurse's desk.

''You never do.'' Jordan sighed.

''I need your paperwork for the drug company study. I'm trying to fund an extra position for day shift and you're a month behind.'' Doctor Alexander stated, annoyance clear in her voice

''Am I ?''

''Yes you are. The only thing I need you to do is just take one day. One day to finish paperwork instead of going out, getting drunk and in fights.''

Completely ignoring his ex, TC continues on the computer.

''Hey. I'm done being nice about this.'' She snaps. He walks away and she follows.

''This is nice?'' He asked sarcastically.

''You know what? I am gonna ride you until I get that paperwork.'' She said sternly.

'' You've got a boyfriend. So sex with me is not gonna happen but nice try.'' He replies smiling and then tips her on the nose as he finishes his sentence.

'' You are so full of yourself.'' She snaps back.

''Good morning slash evening. This is very cute.'' He states watching the scene in front of him.

''Wait. That's her.'' He says pointing to the cut on TC's head thinking Jordan did it.

''I wish I did that,'' she replies. ''He's hungover again.''

''Oh come on J. I've seen you sucking on a bong like you were giving it CPR.'' Topher states.

''That's nothing. She used to-'' TC was cut off.

''You shut up.'' Jordan points at him. ''And, Topher, that was ages ago. TC, please, just get me the paperwork, all right? For me?''

As Jordan left, TC turned to Topher.

"Any word on the new doctor ?" TC asks.

"You know just as much as me, meant to be some big hot shot," Topher replied.

The 2 friends break as patients and paramedics come into the ER.


8:49 pm
A couple of hours later, patients have come and gone. After stepping into a room with Ragosa , TC was called out by Kenny to go to a crash site with Topher.

The 2 soon land on sit and the on-site paramedic fills them in.

"What do we got ?" TC asked, shouting over the helicopter that was drowning out his voice.

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