Chapter 8

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Save Me


''Toph! Topher, we got you, okay? We're here.'' T said as we wheeled Topher towards the ER

'' Come on, Toph. '' I spoke looking down.

''Toph? Come on, Toph! Stay with me, buddy! It's okay, Topher.''

''We got you Toph.'' I said as we went into one of the currently vacant room.

''I need 8 units of B-positive blood, typed and crossed.'' T said to one of the nurse's.

''Kenny, send a trauma panel and set up for intubation.'' I asked him.

''Got it.''

''Did you call Scott? '' Jordan asked one of the nurse's.

''He's on his way in, about 10 minutes out.'' The nurse replied.

''Someone needs to call his wife Janet. She needs to be here now.'' T spoke up.

'' I'm on it.'' The same nurse replied.

''Stay with me, buddy. Grab me a central line kit.''

''Hand me a mac 3.''  I asked.

''I can't help but think that maybe if I'd figured out what you were trying to say to me, - I could've'' I started but T cut me off.

''No, no, no, no. You you couldn't have known.''

''Maybe Topher doesn't get shot because you were trying to protect me.''  I told T.

''Kate, I was never gonna lose you. The guy's a scumbag who shot Dwayne in cold blood. You are not responsible for any of this.You understand?'' T explained.

''Guys? I know this is going to be awkward, but the shooter needs medical attention.'' Rigosa said walking in.

''Screw him.'' I spoke up first.

''That's too bad.'' T said as we both continued to work on Topher.

''I know how you feel.'' Riogsa spoke.

'' No, you don't.'' Jordan said.

''You're right. I don't. But we have to treat him.'' Rigosa explained.

''Send Drew.''

''Drew is overwhelmed with the factory victims. Paul and Krista are too inexperienced to do it alone. Look, under normal circumstances, I'd be sending you home, Jordan. You're the attending. You have to do this.''

''We're okay here. Scott's on his way in. Just get it over and done with and come back here.'' T told Jordan who then left. Jordan came back very quick and was followed a few moments later by Scott.

''Jordan. You okay?''

''I'm fine, we'll talk later.''

''What do we got?'' Scott asked.

"Singe G.S.W to the abdomen.Pressure's borderline. F.A.S.T. scan revealed blood pooling behind his liver.'' T explained.

''I suspect an I.V.C. injury.'' I told Scott.

''Ox pressure's dropping.'' Kenny spoke.

''no time for a scan. He needs the O.R.'' Scott replied.

''Yep'' I agreed.

'Systolic is down to 40.'' A nurse spoke.

''He must be bleeding. Type and cross for 8 units.'' Scott said.

''Come on, Topher. Hang in there.'' T begged.

''We just gotta get the bullet out.'' I told Scott.

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