Chapter 10

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Fog of Wars


Tonight was gonna be crazy. Jordan, TC, and Paul are at a search and rescue programme. So that had us, 2 residents and 1 intern, down on staff and the shift started 10 minutes ago. We just got a brother and sister in that were out dirt biking in the middle of a flood. The girl was about 12 and she was still unconscious and the brother is 17 and hypothermic.

''Hey Kate. Patient in trauma 3. 21-year-old male, complaining of head pains and seems to be having hallucinations.  '' Molly called before I got a chance to check up on the brother and sister.

''Ok I've got it.''

''Hey dude.'' I spoke walking into the room. He was completely silent. ''Hello.'' He seemed to be in a world of his own. ''Yo.'' that snapped him out.

''Sorry were you saying something.'' He asked.

''I'm Dr. Allister, you can call me Kate. I'm going to be helping you. Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?''

''Yeh sure.'' He replied.

''What's your name?''

''Luke James.''

''OK. Where is your pain located?''

''My head. Mainly the back.'' I nodded and scribbled it down.

''On a scale from 1-10, how bad is the pain.''

''9 maybe.'' I wrote that down too.

''And lastly, do you have blurry vision,'' I asked. I got no answer. He was looking over my shoulder and smiling.

''Hey Luke.'' I looked over my shoulder and saw nothing. He must be having a hallucination. ''Luke.''

''Yeh I get blurry vision sometimes but only if I don't wear my glasses for a while.'' He explained still looking over my shoulder.

''Hey Kate. Topher needs you now.'' Molly called busting in to the room.

''Damn. Ok Luke I'll be right back.'' I promised. ''Keep an eye on him please.'' Molly nodded.

''Ok what do we got.'' I asked busting in to trauma 1.

'' 17-year-old male suffering from dry drowning.'' Kenny called. ''His lungs are filled with fluid.''

''Dry drowning.'' I asked.

''Yeh only 2% of all drown-''

''I know what it is Drew.'' I took the bag from Topher and started bagging. ''Toph you okay.''

''Yeh fine. I just could really do with TC, Jordan, and Paul here.''

''There still not back.'' I questioned.

''No apparently they got a flat and are now dealing with 4 crash victims,'' Drew explained.

''Damn. That's exactly what we need.'' I replied.


I did all I could to help with Blake now let's just hope he pulls through. I walked into trauma 3 to see Luke only to find he wasn't there.

''Eh Molly where's the guy that was in here.''

''Eh one of the other nurses found him wandering around talking to himself. They thought he got out from the physic ward so they brought him back. I tried to get him out but they said only his admitting doctor can do that.''

''Damn.'' I whispered before running for the elevator. I walked into the physic ward to find Luke sitting in a bed staring around. I walked up to the nurse at the desk.

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