Chapter 37

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After leaving the hospital I just let myself drive until I arrived outside of the San Antonio church. I sighed before getting out of the car and walking inside. Luckily for me, the building was empty as I walked up the isle and sat in the front church pew.

I sat in silence as I tried to imagine what that day should've been like. Everyone would've finished their shifts and went home to get ready. TC would've went to Topher's while Jordan was coming over to ours to help me get ready.

But all of that changed now.

"Aunt Kate." I turned my head to see Drew and Brianna stood in the isle next to me. I had been so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't hear them come in.

"Hi sweetie." I replied as she sat down next to me and I pulled her into a hug.

"Have you heard from TC?" Drew questioned as he moved to stand in front of us.

"No. Not since we heard the news." I answered shaking my head slightly.

"Are you guys cancelling the wedding?" Brianna asked as she pulled out of the hug and looked me in the eye.

"That's the plan." I smiled slightly at my niece.

"I'm sorry Kate." Drew apologised as he sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"It's not your fault. It wouldn't be the same anyway. It's never gonna be the same." I spoke as realisation hit.

I realised now that regardless of when Tee and I get married Topher was is gonna be there, or neither was Lynn and nothing could change that.


Following Topher and Lynn's funeral, I walked away from the church towards the cemetery where I found TC sat in front of Thad's grave. I smiled at the sight before me as I pushed a strand of loose hair away from my face before walking towards him.

I arrived beside him and tucked my dress behind my legs before sitting down next to my fiancée on the green grass.

"Your speech was great." I spoke as I leant my head against his shoulder, neither of us taking our eyes of the headstone in front of us.

"It wasn't nearly what he deserved." TC replied as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and placed a soft kiss on my head.

"I know. You know he would've killed you for telling half those stories." I reminded him with a smile which he shared.

"Oh well. People deserve to know what an amazing person he was. The twins deserve to know that their father was a hero." Tee explained with a smile at the thought of his best friend.

"And they will. Cause no one is ever gonna forget Topher Zia." I spoke as gust wind blew through the air causing a flower to blown off Thad's grave and through the air.


Do No Harm

A month had passed since Topher and Lynn's death, and things still didn't feel real for any of us.. I always hoped that he would walk through that door and shouted at us all for moping around about his death and get back to work.

I stood and smiled at the sight of the plaque that Kenny had screwed down on the corner of the nurse's station reading 'Topher's Corner'. It was a spot he would stand and watch everything and everyone throughout the ER.

"Kate. You wanna give me a hand?" Paul asked as he held out a clipboard that Scott had passed on to him before he left.

"Sure. Let's do it." I replied as I threw my coffee cup in the bin and followed Paul to Curtain 1 where the patient was waiting.

"Annie." I spoke at the sight of TC's sister in law standing next to the guy on the bed who Paul, Shannon and I had come in to treat.

"Hey Kate." She answered back with a slight smile. "Paul. Shannon."

"What about Scott? I thought my appointment was with him." The guy, Alan, said confused looking up at Annie.

"Scott got pulled into another case." Annie explained.

"Doctor Cummings, Allister and I will take it from here." Shannon informed him.

"But I'll get to talk to him later right?"

We explained to him what we were gonna do and how we would discuss treatment after we received the scan results.

"Is the discussion gonna be with Scott? I need to make amends. I'm the reason he relapsed last year." Alan explained to us. Alan was Scott's sponsor last year when Malik had his accident and had been the one who gave Scott the drink.

"Can we have a minute?" Annie questioned looking at the three doctors in front of her.

"Sure." I nodded as we turned to leave. Once we were back at the nurse's station I spoke again. "You guys seem to have this under control, if you need me just page. Let me now how it goes."


"What are you smiling about?" I questioned TC as he approached the nurse's station while I sat behind the desk at the computer. He had just come back from checking on a patient after a conversation with Annie while Alan was up in surgery with Scott.

"Just heard some nice things about you." Tee replied with a smile as he placed the clipboard he had in his hand on the desk in front of me while taking a pen from his pocket.

"Oh yeh. Like what?" I asked as I lifted my head with a smile on my face just like TC's.

"Like how you're the best thing that ever happened me and you ground me." My fiancée explained which cause my smile to grow even further.

"Ground you? I think it'll take a lot more than just me to ground you Thomas Charles Callahan." I reminded him as he leaned on the desk looking down on me.

"Well if it stops me from running into a burning building cause I know I have you to come home to, that's enough for me." TC promised before he placed a quick kiss on her lips before turning around with a chart to leave again.


Guys I am so sorry. This chapter is absolutely awful. I don't know why I found it so hard to get Kate into this episode especially when half the chapter was my own work.

Anyways, I hope the next one will be better.

Until next time


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