2. Whereabouts, Lost Hope, and Revenge

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jii-san: old man, grandpa


"So this is Uchiha Shisui's little brother."

"He sure did a number on this kid, death's door is right there."

"At least this kid is still barely alive. If he just dropped dead, we're the ones getting scolded after all!"

"For that person's standards, he'll do just fine."

"And a young mind is the easiest to convince!"

"Then let's bring him back to our master."

~At a sealed off cave~
<Akito's POV>

I slowly opened my eyes and what met me was a place that is dark with a really high ceiling.

'Where am I?... Didn't I fall in front of the clan entrance?'

I was met with a weird being in front of my face. This being was all white and has a spiral face.

"Oh. You're awake, you're awake!"

"Who... are you? Am I dead? Yeah, I should be... I couldn't have survived that for long anyway with a wound that serious... Seriously, what was I thinking, trying to find someone with an injury like that..."

I quickly sat up and screamed out, "Where is Akari?"

A sudden sharp pain came from my left side. I looked towards where my left arm should be only to find nothing but a giant piece of cloth wrapped in that area. "Right, that man with the mask cut off my left arm... At least Sasuke and Akari is alright. But I sure have a lot of bandages around my body..."

"Hey, who is that 'Sasuke' that you keep talking about? You said that many times in your sleep. Is it some random ninja in your village? And by the way, we're White Zetsu."

At that spiral like humanoid's words, I blushed lightly and panicked. "You guys must've heard wrong! What Sasuke? I don't know what you're talking about!"

Then, the spiky humanoid spoke up, "You're not fooling anyone like that you know..."

"Fooling you? I'm not doing anything of the sort! Just clarifying... Fine, he's my cousin."

"Well, it really doesn't matter to us whether you said that or not."

"Yes. The question is, are you going to give your thanks to me, the one who saved you from the grasps of death? Though you can say that this place is between this life and the next... young Uchiha." A sudden hoarse and deep voice said.

"Who's there?!"

Standing in front of me was an old man, with long and spikey white hair, holding a scythe.

"Geh. Is the grim reaper here to take me away? I can't be taken away. I still need to go back!"

"Is your policy to treat the elderly and strong with kindness and respect a lie? Now calm down." The old man said with a tad bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Oh, thanks for saving me, jii-san. I'm Akito. So, what do you want me to do for you? I always return the favor."

"That was my intention. I want you to stay here and train for now. It is for the sake of severing fate from this world."

"Jiji, that's the only thing I cannot do. I need to get back to my family! So let me out of here."

"Listen to me till the end, will you? I am saying that the exit to this cave is sealed tight using chakra on that rock I put there many years ago. Even I cannot move it for I am too weak now. The current you is not strong enough to even get out; not even with your weak Shunshin no jutsu."

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