6. Team 7's Jonin, Hatake Kakashi

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Shunshin no jutsu: Body Flicker Jutsu
Dobe: someone who is last and rock bottom, in this case, of the graduates
Oji-san: uncle, a middle-aged man
Oba-san: aunt, a middle-aged woman
Jonin: (literally means high ninja) highest rank a ninja can get excluding ANBU and Hokage
Genin: (literally means low ninja) lowest rank of ninja


<Akito's POV>

It's been two hours since the incident in the forest concerning Mizuki and I am dead tired. Not from lack of sleep, but from Sasuke's scolding. Why am I, the older one, getting scolded by him? I didn't go back for the night and immediately this?! Well, it can't be helped.

Currently, we are walking towards the academy with our hitai-ate on. Getting bored, I told Sasuke that I would go on first.

"Eh? Hey, wait for me! Aki!"

"Well then, see you!"

With that, I used my favorite Shunshin no jutsu and went straight to the academy. After five to ten minutes, Sasuke also arrived and sat down next to the window.

"You could've waited for me or taken me with you..."

"Ah. That's right. Forgot."

People start flooding in the classroom and even Naruto was here. The Nara kid said that this place is for graduates only. In reply to that, Naruto asked whether he sees the hitai-ate on his head and he's a ninja and that it suits him. Well, I didn't care about that because I sensed two chakra signals running towards this room.

"Sasuke, army."

Two girls, one the pink haired fangirl and another blond girl, got in the room at the same time and kept pushing each other, screaming "Goal!"

Naruto looked at one of the girls with a blush and the pink haired fangirl pushed Naruto away when he tried to say good morning. Rude fangirls. She says good morning to Sasuke and me before asking if she could sit next to us. Then, the blond, now known, fangirl came over and they, including other girls, started arguing who is going to sit next to us.

"Hn. Always like this, huh?" I commented, remembering what happened a few years back in the academy.

Sasuke turned back towards the front and closed his eyes. I felt something or someone watching me so I looked straight towards the chakra. After realizing what it is, I looked back forward and waited for team announcements. Well, my peaceful time got interrupted when Naruto stood in front of Sasuke really closely. A kid behind sat up and I quickly pushed Naruto away to the front of the classroom.

"Where're my thanks?"

"Thanks, Aki..."

Iruka came in and lectured about ninja functions and difficulties.

"Team 7, Uzumaki Naruto!" He perked up.

"Haruno Sakura!" Their polar opposite reactions switched immediately with the calling of the next name. Yes...

"Uchiha Sasuke! And because of an uneven number of graduates, Uchiha Akito!"

Sasuke looked at me with happiness in his eye and I sweatdropped, back up a little as to not hit the fangirl. Naruto complained to Iruka about how he is an exceptional student so why should he be in the same team as Sasuke. And surprisingly, he complained about me too.

"Akito and Sasuke both have the best grades of the graduates. Naruto, you're at the bottom!"

Everybody laughed at Naruto, leaving him speechless.

Strayed Uchiha (Male Uchiha OC, Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now