7. The Bell Test, Result!

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Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu: Fire style: Fireball jutsu


<Sasuke's POV>

Kakashi said for all of us in the team to get to the training ground by five in the morning to do an exercise. One that will be deciding who passes as a Genin. I cannot fail here, not when I still haven't killed Itachi.

When I woke up, Aki was still sleeping as if he didn't care if he doesn't make it to the exercise by five. If he wants to kill Itachi too, then he also cannot afford to fail this. I went to do the morning routine before going back to the bedroom to wake Aki up. There was no need for that, however.

Just like the way he went to sleep last night, there, sitting on the bed without his shirt was Aki, staring at the outside through the balcony glass door at the end of the bed. His eyes were cold and without looking at me, he said, "Sasuke? You can go on ahead. I will be there."

Satisfied with his answer, I went to get my stuff before leaving for the training grounds. I wouldn't even question the cold eyes, it was understandable.

~Time Skip~

The three of us, Naruto, Sakura, and I were waiting for Kakashi who is almost five hours late. Aki wasn't here as well so I became a little concerned as to where he could be. A few moments, Kakashi finally came which resulted in being replied with Sakura and Naruto screaming that he is late. Claiming that a black cat got in his path, he then noticed the absence of Aki soon after he finished with his excuse.

"Where is Akito? Did he not hear me say to come here at five in the morning yesterday?"

In response to that, I replied, "He was awake and told me to go on ahead. He should be here."

"What do you base that off of, Sasuke?" Naruto yelled.

"My knowledge of his capabilities and punctual personality... from way back."

"Sasuke-kun, I have always wanted to ask but, what is your relationship with Akito-kun other than fellow clan mates? You both seem really close despite the fact that Akito-kun just transferred into the class the day before the exams."

"They are cousins, Sakura. That is why they're so close. But it is better not to ask Sasuke or Akito himself about Akito's past." Kakashi's comment made me glare at him a little.

"Why are you all talking about me?"

"Where were you, Akito!?" Naruto annoyingly shouted.

"If you were here the whole time, why didn't you come here when Kakashi came?"

"Hn. I could listen in from where I was anyway."

'As expected of Aki, he must've used the shunshin to get here. And he was here the whole time, so he probably was in a tree or something. I'm almost never able to find him after all...'

"Since Akito is here, let's get started. I've set this clock to noon. By then, you guys have to get these three bells from me. Those who get a bell passes."

"But Kakashi-sensei, there are four of us! What will happen to the fourth person?" Sakura questioned.

"That person will fail and go back to the academy and won't get lunch. They will be tied and I'll eat my lunch in front of you. When I give the signal, come at me like you want to kill me or you will not get the bell at all."

'Academy? If I go back, my revenge on Itachi will be delayed even more! That is the one thing I must avoid.'

Naruto jumped at Kakashi and got his own kunai pointed back at himself instead.

Strayed Uchiha (Male Uchiha OC, Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now