Chapter 1: Meeting the Guardians

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Chapter 1: Meeting Guardians
I hope you find the story nice. Thank you for reading!
In the hospital
Kuroko's body laid there on the bed as his spirit and guardian angel come out.
"You look dead." Kagami said with a chuckle.
"I look normal." Kuroko said as he went up to his body.
"Well from the look of things," he checks a medical clipboard, "you're okay. You have some bruises and a rib broken but you got through it. All you need to do is wake up."
"I told you I'm not going to do it." He said.
"Remember we were gonna check on your friends first."
"It's late. I highly doubt anyone but my grandmother knows I'm here." Kuroko looks at his body. "She must be scared."
"Your grandmother?"
"Yeah. She's all I got but she's going to be moving to a retirement home and was going to leave me at the house. I would have only been able to see her sometimes. If I'm gone, she can sell the house and have money for her to relax."
"Well isn't that nice of you, only one problem, she'll be crying. She'll miss you and I don't think she'd pull the plug." Kagami said.
Kuroko looked down slightly. "Yeah."
"Well come on. Let's go meet the other guardians. They're gonna meet us at the park." He said picking him up.
"I can walk you know." Kuroko said a bit annoyed.
"I can teleport. I win." Kagami smirked before teleporting to the park across the street from the hospital. He put Kuroko down. It was dark since it was night but they saw five people playing some basketball in the courts.
"Ah there they are." Kagami said walking to the courts.
"Wait...they play basketball!" Kuroko slightly yelled as he catches up to him.
"Yeah. We all do." Kagami said with a smile. Kagami went up to the five players and smiled. "Yo."
"Ah Taiga you're here." A tall teen with black hair that covered one eye and a mole on his lower eye said with a smile. He was wearing white shorts, shirt, and shoes.
"Yeah. This guy is Kuroko- eh Kuroko?" He looked around as he couldn't find him.
"You lost him!" Another teen with short spiky black hair and steel blue eyes rolled his eyes. He is also wearing white shorts, shirt, and shoes.
"He has low presence!" Kagami yelled.
"That shouldn't be his fault! It's your job to look after him!" The steel blue eyes teen said.
"I'm right here." Kuroko said as he appeared next to Kagami. The six guardian scream or looked shocked at the teen.
"Ghost!" Another teen with long black hair and blue hawk like eyes, screamed. He also had white shirt, shoes, and shorts. He stopped before laughing. "Ha! He's already one!"
"Yes that is very amusing." Another teen said with a big smile that looked a bit sinister. He has long black hair and grey eyes but you can't see because he's squinting and has black glasses.
"Now be nice you two." The second tallest said. He has long black hair, up to his chin, and grey green eyes with long eyelashes. He wears the same as the rest of the guardians.
"Alright well let's introduce you to them before they fight. Let's start with you Tatsuya." Kagami said as he pointed to the one who's hair covered one eye.
"Hello Kuroko, my name is Himuro Tatsuya. I am Murasakibara Atsushi's guardian angel." Himura smiled. "I'm also Taiga's brother."
"Hello Himuro-san." Kuroko bowed before looking at Kagami. "You have a brother?"
"Yeah." He smiled. "Next."
"I am Kasamatsu Yukio, Kise Ryota's guardian." Kasamatsu said. "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too Kasamatsu-san." Kuroko bowed.
"Polite. That's good." Kasamatsu said.
"Too polite. Next." Kagami said.
"I'm Takao Kazunari, Midorima Shintaro's guardian." Takao smiled. "You should have done pranks on Shin-chan it would have been fun to watch."
"Hello Takao-san. I don't think Midorima-kun would appreciate that." Kuroko said with a bow.
"Still would have been funny." Takao smirked.
"Evil hawk don't make others do your bidding. Next." Kagami rolled his eyes.
"I'm Imayoshi Shoichi, Aomine Daiki's guardian angel." Imayoshi smiled his evil/nice smile, "it's very nice to meet you."
Kuroko's heart skipped a bit. (A/N: Do ghost hearts even have a heartbeat?) "Nice to meet you too Imayoshi-san." Kuroko bowed but Imayoshi saw the ghost's hesitation.
"I guess I'm last. I'm Mibuchi Reo, you can call me Reo, and I'm Akashi Seijuro's guardian angel. It's a pleasure to meet you." Mibuchi said.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mibu-" Kuroko started to bow when Mibuchi stopped him.
"Ah ah ah it's Reo." Mibuchi said.
"Reo-san." Kuroko said as he bowed.
"So polite and obedient so unlike his guardian angel." Mibuchi smiled making Kagami growl.
"Very much so. And small too." Imayoshi said with his smile.
Kuroko's eyebrow twitched slightly at the remark but kept his calm face.
"So we are helping you see that you still have a life here." Takao said.
"I don't." Kuroko said.
"Of course you do, all of them love and miss you. You guys are still little, in middle school, and you have so many years to come." Himura said.
"Even if they don't admit it they miss you now. They all feel bad about what they did." Kasamatsu said.
"If they truly did, one of them would have came after me. None did. I'm not needed in their life." Kuroko said.
"Kise did try but was stopped. He wanted to go after you." Kasamatsu said.
"But he didn't so they don't need me." Kuroko said.
"Then let's show you how they are right now. None of them know your dead but right now they aren't doing so good." Mibuchi said.
"I won't change my mind." Kuroko said.
"Then there is no harm in showing you." Imayoshi said.
"Let's start with yours Reo." Kagami said.
"Alright come one then. He's at home now. We can all teleport there." Mibuchi smiles. "Come Tetsuya-chan." He smiled and wink.
Kuroko just nodded as they teleported to the Akashi Mansion.

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