Chapter 4: Purple Hair

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Chapter 4: Purple Hair

Hey sorry for not updating a while. So I'll be posting the rest of the chapters up. I usually post first on FanFiction so if you want to get ahead, it's on FanFiction. I hope you like the story! Comment so I know what you guys think.


Kuroko and the Guardians teleported to Murasakibara's living room. The lights here turned off but the tv screen was on a random channel.
"Why is it so dark?" Takao asks as they see Murasakibara watch tv with snacks surrounding him but they were left untouched.
"Murasakibara likes to watch tv in the dark." Himuro said.
"It's going to mess up his eyes." Imayoshi said.
Takao just laughs. "He'll end up having glasses like you."
Reo smacks Takao's head. "Takao enough."
While the guardians where arguing Kuroko looks around the room as he remembered the times they would sleep over to watch movie or tv marathons. They would also come over when Murasakibara wanted them to try a new recipe or dessert so they would eat then watch tv. Murasakibara always made sure Kuroko ate all his food too at school. He would bribe him to finish with vanilla candy. Kuroko sat next to him and watch Murasakibara just stare at the tv. Kuroko saw that he hadn't open any of the snacks not even maiu-bo.
"Kuro-chin." Murasakibara whispers to himself. He looks to where Kuroko was sitting though he couldn't see him. He picked up a vanilla candy. "Kuro-chin likes vanilla candy. Maybe if I give him lots of vanilla candy he won't be sad anymore." He put it down. "Kuro-chin is so small. I can't find him."
"Damn he's really hurt." Kagami said as the guardians look at him.
Himuro nodded. "Yes he is. Kuroko Atsushi really likes you. He respects you and you're one of his closest friends. He's confused too."
"But strong enough to not need me." Kuroko said as he remembered the words Murasakibara said.
"You have to realize that he didn't mean it. None of them did." Reo said.
"Yet they said it. That means there was some truth to it." Kuroko looked at the snacks though. He was worried that Murasakibara hasn't eaten his snacks. He always eats them.
"Remember you're all still kids." Kasamatsu said. "You all have a life ahead of you. A life that is filled with bumps and holes but in the end you get something meaningful out of it."
"I don't see how I can get anything meaningful about being useless." Kuroko said.
"You're not useless." Himuro said. "No one is."
"If you were we wouldn't be showing you all this." Takao said.
"Kuro-chin?" Kuroko and the guardians look to see Murasakibara looking at a basketball commercial. "Kuro-chin. Kuro-chin." He let tears fall.
Kuroko instantly tried to hugs him but passed through making Murasakibara who froze and looked around as he stood up quickly.
"Kuro-chin? Are you here in my house? When did you come over?" He asked trying to see if his baby blue hair teammate was actually there visiting him. "Kuro-chin come out. It's okay. Look I have vanilla candy to share." He grabbed the candy and held it. He looked around before dropping the candy. "Kuro-chin I'm sorry. Please Kuro-chin come out." He said as tears fall again. "I'll share my candy with you. I'll play basketball with a smile. Please Kuro-chin."
Kuroko looked down as he wiped away his tears. He saw how much he was hurting. 'Was I wrong to think that they don't need me?'
"Fine." Murasakibara said as his eyes dulled a bit. "Kuro-chin doesn't come out. I will just crush all my opponents until you come back to us. You're useless anyways so you'll just sit on the bench and cheer for us. Then you'll be with us. You won't be sad and we can share candy."
Kuroko's eyes widen as he shook his head. 'No this isn't what I wanted.'
Murasakibara steps over the candy and walks out of the living room.
"Well wasn't that...dramatic?" Imayoshi asked as he looked at his fellow guardians.
"Even I don't know what happened there." Himuro said.
"I think your guy cracked." Kagami said looking at Kuroko who just stayed shocked. He goes to him. "Hey I think he's just tired. I'm sure he didn't mea-"
"I'm done." Kuroko said looking at him. "You keep saying they don't mean it yet this happens. How in the world did you think I would react to this! Even if I come back I'm useless to them! I'm done! Done. I want to go-" he got stopped by being hit on the head by Kasamatsu.
"Enough Kuroko. I get you're hurt. You feel like you let your teammates down. That you can't do anything but if you don't see this through to the end you'll regret it. Now come on." He grabs him by the arm and teleports him to the Kise household.

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