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Harry's POV

"I can't believe I'm doing this for you," Gemma grumbled from beside me.

Let's just say it was very early in the morning and I woke her up to help me break into my neighbors house...

"It's for a good cause, now shut up and get on my back!" She sighed and I helped her climb onto my back. She started to struggle and I helped push her up so that she was sitting on my shoulders.

"Is it open?" I whisper-yelled.

"Uh, I don't know it's- kinda stuck.. oof!" I heard her yelp and soon a window sliding open.

"Got it!"

"Nice, this is a lot to ask but you're gonna have to stand on me to get up there!"

She shakily starting to stand on my shoulders. My hands were rested firm against the house trying to support my body so I didn't lose my balance. I was about to collapse from the moving and shaking until I felt the weight literally lifted from my shoulders. I wiped the sweat on my forehead and looked up to see Gemma's foot sliding over the sill.

We were definitely gonna be in trouble if she woke Mr. Tomlinson..

I waited outside for 5 minutes until I heard the back door open. I ran to it and Gemma let me inside with a finger placed to her lips.

I walked past her and squinted my eyes in the dark room. "What took you so long?"

"There's so many doors what do you mean?!" She yelled quietly at me.

I rolled my eyes and tried to see where we were in the house. It looked like we were heading for the kitchen..where the last door I didn't get to check last time stood. We crept in the kitchen and I ran to the door before opening it. I was about to go when I noticed stairs. I almost ate dirt when Gemma walked into me.

I glared at her before going down the stairs. I immediately recognized the dirty window near the ceiling. What I was not expecting- but should have- was the shrill scream coming from the middle of the room.

I wonder what's gonna happen...

Snow Angel; L.S.Where stories live. Discover now