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So I have a story idea that I started writing last year. The book is called Disconsolate and it has 13 drafts.

I really wanna publish it but I don't wanna forget about this book even though I don't have motivation to finish it. So please let me know what you want me to do.. even if I do finish this one I still really wanna publish Disconsolate.

Harry's POV

It's been a week since I last saw Louis. I haven't had time nor determination to re break in to Mr. Tomlinson's house and to be honest I was scared to. I didn't want to get in trouble but I also wanted to save Louis.

After thinking for a week I decided to write Louis a letter. You're probably wondering how I'm gonna get it to him. Easy, I found out how to slip it through that dumb window.

Here goes nothing..

Dear Louis,
I know we don't know each other well so this is probably weird but ever since I started making assumptions that you were being held secretively in your dads basement I've had this weird fascination with you. I have a couple of questions.. 1. Does the basement get cold at night? 2. How have you survived so long down there with poor treatment? 3. Why don't you look anorexic? Your diet is terrible thanks to Mr. Tomlinson. Also you're really pretty..maybe I could be Prince Harry and save you? Haha jk..

Ugh I was so embarrassing. No time to re write it anyways. I slipped on my boots and grabbed a sweater. Once making my way downstairs and out of the house, I ran to the side of the Tomlinson's and crouched down near the window. I shuffled for a bit but finally the letter slid through one of the old frayed cracks between the frame and the glass. Too late to rethink my decision as I watched it flutter to the ground below. Then I peacefully made my way back home.

Louis' POV

A smile graced my face. A genuine, real, contagious, wide smile. And it was all because of Angel boy.

He clumsily pranced into my life, offered to save me, and didn't even bother to mention all the downsides of how I'm gonna get out of here. He's positive it's gonna be an in and out thing I think. Easy for him to think though since he's never been in a situation quite like this...

Is it bad that I dreamt about kissing him last night? Since when was I even gay? I've been away from urbanization for so long I forgot who I am and how to act around other people. I really hated my father with a burning passion. I didn't understand what happened with my mom and sisters when I was younger but I've acquired an understanding since then and I don't blame them for leaving.

I just wish I didn't get left behind. What was the point anyways? Why leave your son with a horrible person? I would never have left my kid with Dan if I was my mother. She sure made a mistake there. I wonder how my sisters are. I wonder how they are, how old they are? I've seemed to have lost track of time.

Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, and Phoebe.. I really missed those silly girls. I've always secretly wanted a brother though. I wanted to teach him how to play footie and how to get it good with the ladies (or gents..no judgement here).

I couldn't wait for the sweet sweet taste of freedom. And I couldn't wait for Harry to be the one to help me. But what would happen afterwards? Would we date? Hit it off? Or would it be a "you're saved have a good life" situation?

I guess I'd have to wait it out and see.

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