Chapter 30 - Her

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David smirked, "What's in it for me?" I took a few seconds to process what he had said and think up an answer. Food couldn't be his bribe because he had already eaten dinner. With all of the people talking and making noise, it was hard for me to overcome my social anxiety. "Think. Just think." I silently told myself. David looked me in the eyes, expecting an answer. He gave me a calm sense of peace that could only come from a best friend. Compassion flowed through his body language. He knew that we both would rather be sitting somewhere calm and peaceful. He knew that I would rather not have been there. An answer popped into my head and I instantly blurted it out, "Memories. If you do this, then you'll have very fun memories." He sighed but then agreed to let makeup get put on him.

I laughed so hard that I almost wet my pants. David looked hilariously amazing with makeup on! Personally, I thought that the red lipstick did the job perfectly. While Jessie and Amy put the makeup on David, I made a little bow for David to wear in his hair. With duct tape, the bow was securely stuck in his hair. All of us girls doubled over in laughter while David was sitting on the vanity blushing. "David you look great, but I think that you need more eyeshadow," Amy said while picking up the eyeshadow. "Oh please don't let my face be destroyed!" David whined; his back had been against the mirror the entire makeup session and he was worried sick that it would look terrible. Honestly, it was. I knew that he allowed himself to be tortured with mascara, eyeshadow, and lipstick, just to see me have a good time.

David got off of the vanity counter and turned around. He was in horror of what they had done to him. "What happened to my face‽ I look like a clown for Pete's sake!" His mother called up the stairs. It was time for him to go. I was sad that he had to depart from all the fun that we all were having, but it was also pretty funny that he would have to go show himself to the party with a face full of makeup because there wasn't enough time to take it all off! One of the funniest moments was when Jessie told David that she couldn't get all the makeup off and he would have to go to his mom for her to take it off.

David walked over to me, took the bow off of himself, grabbed the tassels on my hoodie, and tied the bow to it with one of his spiffy Boy Scout knots. David's stepdad started another conversation, allowing us more time to talk. After a few minutes of fiddling around trying to get the knots out of my hoodie, I asked for help. David got up and started to try to undo it. I learned something that night: Boy Scout knots are not meant to be undone. Both David and I tried to undo the knot, but to no avail; he ended up cutting the bow in two pieces to get it off. Jennifer reminded David that they had to go soon. He handed me one piece, and then put the other half in his pocket. "You get half of the memory, I get the other half," He smugly said while turning to walk out the door to leave. "Deal," I whispered.

I had no real intentions of posting the photo on Instagram. The quality of the photo was terrible because David had been moving so much! I just wanted David to be a little bit more horrified. As if getting makeup put on your face wasn't horrifying enough for a guy. He held his anger very carefully. I was surprised that he tolerated all of us provoking him. Although summer, it was quite chilly outdoors. I put on my heavy Carhartt and went outside to sit next to the fire pit. The heat from the flames burned my face while the rest of my body shivered. I had always been skinny, but sometimes there were downfalls to it, such as not being able to contain body heat for very long. I guess you could say that I could be the model of the healthy animal proportioning - where you shouldn't be able to see the ribs, but instead, be able to feel them. While watching the flames, out of the corner of my eye, I saw David running back into my house. "I wonder what he forgot," I thought. He came running outside while simultaneously trying to put his pocket knife into his pocket. Mockingly, I held up the photo from just forty minutes before, when David was still wearing the makeup. "Hey David, guess what I was just going to post online‽," I asked. "Oh no you don't!" He laughed while coming up behind me and squishing me in a hug and a phone theft attempted. At first, I was going to fight his arms that were restricting me, but then I had a sudden realization that David was doing that to mess around, not trying to hurt me or intentionally restrain me. Instead of fighting tooth and nail, I tried to put my arms around him as a goodbye hug. Jennifer honked the horn, David said his last goodbye, and then he ran to the car before they left without him.

That was the best party that my family had ever hosted!

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